In a blink of an eye i kept my poker face back on. And took a bite of my food. "Well, its good of you to join us," his mother said and kissed him as he hugged her.
He roamed his eyes around the table, before his eyes landed on me. He looked taken aback.
It was as if he didn't recognise me.
I don't jugde me. These five years i changed alot if things about myself. I decided that i was done letting myself go and started working out. At first it was toture, i cried when Nathan forced me to do a whole two hours cadio exercise non stop.
It was tiring. But it was all worth it.
Then i changed my hair colour to black with alittle bit of maroon highlights.
I changed my woderobe, from lazy and boring to stunning, smoking hot, classy and sexy.
I know.
Extreme make over.
I looked at him as he did the same. I drank in his features.
He was in a tight fitting muscle shirt that you could cut out his chest and abdomen and black slacks. His hair was dark brown with blonde highlights at the edge.
I never thought any man could pull off a beard like he did apart from Nathan, but damn.
His eyes, the colour of the montain peak, grey, steel grey. He looked amaizing as ever.
"Daddy, this is the pretty lady i was telling you. She is called Gianna. But she told me that i can call her Gia, because i am handsome," Mason told his dad, cutting short the staring contest.
Wait, what?
Alex has a son?!
How did i not know about this?
Not that i care but....

"Gianna," he said my name as if trying it in his mouth for the first time. And the way my name rolled down his tongue, lord.
I felt a cold shiver run down my body.
I looked at him, then looked away before i said anything stupid. "Join us the food is getting cold," i said and took a bite of my food.
I picked Ennas fork, "eat up or you wont have any dessert."
She looked scared and took the fork from me and stuffed the food down her throat.
Most of the people laughed at the table. Abby chuckled, "Gia, you've got to stop being so hard on the kid."
I looked away hesitantly, "we don't want her to be fat and ugly now, do we?"
I looked up only to find Sandro looking straight at me, something flashing in his eyes.
"Mommy wants me to be strong and beautiful," Enna said stuffing her mouth again.
"You are already beautiful Enna," Mason said softly. I think it was for Enna only but i think the whole table heard him.
Some had wide eyes, some chuckled, his father smirked at him, "just like her mother, yes?"

My eyes widened at this. I excused myself taking the plates to the kitchen. I picked the cake from the box, cut the slices and put them in the plates, then on the tray before exporting them to the dining again.
"Uuuh, i love chocolate cake," Mason said in excitement.
Enna too, "no way. Me too."
We all dug in.
"Mmmh... Gia, i think I'm going to fall sick from diabetes. This is too sweet," Luiz said.
"Oh Luiz. Im sorry, next time I'll put less sugar then," i apologized.
He laughed, "don't apologise to me darling, what i mean is this is so great. My number one baker."
I told him, "by the way you guys, you don't have to make these requests to the bakery so that you pay me. I don't want you to pay for anything i get you from the shop. I'll feel bad. You guys are like family to me, and making you pay for things like these isn't so nice."
"Ah come on Gia. That makes us want to pay. We want to promote your business further. Not just get this good cakes for free," Nathan said.
I glared at him, "shut up Andersen."
He glared at me.
I heard Alex chuckle along with the others. Nate hated his middle name.

"We'll be going now," i announced as i put on my jacket and kneeled down to help Enna put on hers.
"Okay dear, see you soon. Dont forget brunch, Sunday," Abby kissed my cheek along with her husband.
I nodded my head at Alex, "welcome back."
Then i looked down at Enna who was hugging Mason saying their goodbyes, "come on baby, lets go."
I kissed Mason's forehead, "see you later buddy."
I carried Enna in my arms and walked to the car, put her back in the carrier before settling in the drivers seat.
Paisley was getting a ride from her boyfriend. Don't worry.
As we drove back home, thoughts of Alex invaded my head. The way he had changed so much.
He was hotter.
He was more manly.
He was quiet, unlike the Alex i was used to.
He was just different.
What happened to him?
He has a son?
What did he do in New York?
What happened back in New York?
I shaked those thoughts out of my head and got my baby in bed, by the time we were home she was already asleep.

"So you want to tell me that Alexander De Lucca is back?" Scarlett asked me.
I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Uh, how does he look? Is he hot? I mean he was always hot, but is he hotter? Does he have a girlfriend? Come on tell me," she whined like a baby pulling on my sweater.
I rolled my eyes, "he's...... Okay?!"
She crossed her hands over her chest and raised a brow, "just okay?"
"Uurgh, okay you win. He's hot. Hotter than the last time we saw him five years ago. And he has a son. He's so cute, you could just see him. He has Alex eyes." i said smiling at last.
"Awww... Wait what? Son? What? Alex?" her eyes were wide.
I rolled my eyes, "he has a son. Mason De Lucca."
"The one your kid hasn't stopped talking about? The one from the hotel? " she was clarifying.
I nodded my head.
"Well shit. Small world huh?"
I nodded my head again.
"Anyway, did you guys talk?" she asked, wiggling her eye brows.
"There was nothing to talk about," i simply said before i headed to bed leaving her watching TV.

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