Chapter 25: Move With Me

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"I'll be damned, that's the treacherous wench that killed Leit!" Her heart sank a little at his words, as she recalled the night the raiders struck their orc camp. That had been her first lesson that immorality didn't just exist within orcs, but in humans. That night she'd tried to stop a fight only to have them call her a whore, insist on taking her so that she could service them. They'd had no intention of saving her, but to hurt her.

So much had changed since that night. She'd killed a human to save an orc.

She would do it again if she had to.

The raider called to the others as they reached them, "She's the one! That orc lover killed Leit!"

"I think we'll be taking our horse back, Missy."

"I think you stole him to start with." She hissed back at him as the group spread out around them, circling them. She stepped backwards, bumping into Cold Hammer, her palm twitching to hold her sword but she didn't have it.

Cold Hammer murmured low under his breath, "These are the men that raided our camps weeks ago."

"They recognize us, too." She told him softly and caught several glares.

"Look at her! She speaks orcish!"

"She's one of them!"

"Orc whore!"

"I'm going to split you in two!"

Cold Hammer couldn't understand them, but she could sense the fury mounting in him. He understood their tone, the sharp looks they cast at her. Almost as though they hated her more than him. She had nothing but Cold Hammer in that moment, and words she didn't think would save her, "I am King Wren's translator, if you touch me-"

"I'm going to touch you!" One of them shouted and grabbed his crotch, laughing, "Show you what a real man feels like, not one of those fucking monsters."

Cold Hammer's eyes narrowed in on the one grabbing himself and she felt the switch as he found his first target. "Keep your back to mine." Cold Hammer said, low in his throat.

"Watch that one, he's got spears." She warned.

"Move with me." He said and lunged. He lashed out so hard and fast that even the man's horse didn't have time to react. He gave a short battle cry as he moved and Bukoo threw himself into the fray. Erinne moved with him, scrambling with her back facing his, not quite touching so she didn't hinder his steps. When he drew back, she felt him just brush against her and she moved away from him, amazed at how well they moved together, in perfect sync. It was like a dance, but this dance ended with death if she missed a step.

The first man he struck didn't even get to scream, but hit the dirt while his horse crab stepped directly into a second, starting a mad scramble of chaos immediately. Bukoo had torn a rider down and she saw the man with the spears pulling back his arm. Having nothing at her disposal, she stooped and snatched a rock and tossed it at him, drawing his attention away from the wolf.

She didn't get to see what happened next as Cold Hammer grabbed her with one hand and swung his hammer with the other, spinning her in a loop as he batted at every man within reach. She hadn't realized how quickly four of them had closed in.

As he stopped spinning, he let her go and she rushed one of the fallen men and snatched his weapon from his dead hand, falling back to Cold Hammer's side. She glanced down at the scythe and laughed darkly. If there was anything she knew how to use it was a farmer's tool, thanks to Nukbrik.

"Turn!" Cold Hammer barked at her and she followed his command, turning with him as he whirled sharply and slashed. A rider that had been knocked off his horse was scrambling up, too close to her, and before he could get off his knees, Erinne struck, skillfully using the scythe to slice around his neck and pull his head clean off his shoulders.

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