Chapter 15 ~ Our Hell

Start from the beginning

   Jackals... Jackal Squad?

   I was so focused on nothing that I didn't see the looming figure beside me, staring at me. I flinched in fear when I finally became aware of the presence. I quickly take my feet off the table.

   It was Shadow. The lighting wasn't very good in here, so his dark exterior made it difficult to see at first. He pulled out a chair and sat across from me, arms crossed, one foot up on the table. Shadow stared at me in complete silence. I felt pinned underneath his gaze. My eyes went to the floor, anxious.

   I knew that there was no avoiding him now.

   "May I?" he asked.

   I look up. He had his gloved hand hovering over my package of jerky. I nod. It's not like it belongs to me. I just picked it because it was full of protein and I assumed it would stay down better than some of the things on the shelves or pantry. Also, I was too exhausted to cook anything. Another thing to add onto that was that I don't know many recipes either, I haven't gotten many opportunities to dabble in the kitchen.

   Shadow reached a hand into the plastic package, pulling out a chunk of meat. He took a bite out of it, easily tearing a piece of the flesh off and chewing it. I note how sharp his teeth were for a hedgehog...

   "I remember you," he says. "And we both know you remember me."

   I nod slowly, slowly bringing my gaze up to meet his. Recalling the day Shadow had, accident or not, saved me from the living hell I went through. The hell that I still struggle coping with to this day.

   "What's your story, (F/S)?"

   I reached into my pocket, pulling out my notepad and pen. It was all I had left since I didn't have my whiteboard with me. Either way, they served the same purpose. Shadow stared at the pen and paper in my hand, eyes slightly wider than they were. He quickly put his hard face back on though.

   "So, it really is more than just being the quiet one, huh?" Shadow says, though it was like he talking to himself.

   I scribbled in my book, sighing in agreement. I slid the paper to him when I finished writing.

   If I'm going to tell my story, I need to hear yours first.

   Shadow holds the paper. He closed his eyes and exhaled, passing it back. "Trust issues, huh? Fine. But I at least need to know your name before we start."

   He agreed? I was stunned. He didn't put up much of a fight either. Why would he open to me, someone who had aimed a gun at them? It seemed out of character for Shadow to do.

   I wrote my name on the back of the page. I show it to Shadow.

   He shrugged his shoulders after reading. "And you already know who I am."

   Only your name, I thought to myself. Not being able to review many facts that I knew. For no reason, a thought dawned upon me. When I think about it, throughout my life, I seem to gravitate towards the "hard asses". The people regarded as the "edgy ones". These people always have the most interesting stories. Half the time, they're trying to hide something. A soft side, a secret, or a horrible past experience that causes them to be this way.

   Shadow read my face. He knew I couldn't list three things I knew about him.

   "Look," he starts, taking his foot off the table. Shadow leans forward, resting an arm on the metal table. "I'm not the team-work, 'friendship is great' type, okay?"

   It sounded like he was talking about a certain blue someone...

   "But I'll be honest, you seem like a half-way decent person to talk too."

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