Chapter 5 Memories

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I walked into the 10th division's buildings, I've already been there before, a lot of times actually. Since my friend was part of the division. We scheduled to meet after shift to have dinner together at the shopping district.

"Karin-chan what are you doing here?" I turned around to see Matsumoto-san walking toward me with some files in her hands.

"Oh Matsumoto-san, I'm waiting for my friend, we were scheduled to meet after work but since I finished a little early, I decided to come and surprise her instead" I said.

"Oh I see, but why wait here, come with me to give this to the captain alright?" She asked.

"Alright" I guess I could say hello to him too. Since the new year party we've become some short of friends. And nowadays we seen each other quite often, because every time I come for my friend he'd always be there so we talked a little then I'd go with Akira to where ever she would take me.

"So how's everything?" She asked.

"Everything is fine, I'm quite ok with my life. How about you?" that wasn't a lie. I was generally quite content about my new life as shinigami.

"Oh well the same for me. But the captain give me way too much paperwork!" She cried.

I sweatdropped, one thing I noticed about her was that she didn't like paperwork at all. Sometimes I even witnessed captain Hitsugaya yelling at her for not doing her part of the paperwork.

"But Matsumoto-san, you are the one who avoid the paperwork. If you actually do your work. I don't think he'd be like that" I smiled at her.

She stopped walking and she turned around to look at me. "Is there something on my face?"

"You've changed a lot since the first time I've seen you" she said. I wasn't sure if that was her attempt to change the topic or she really just noticed that out of the blue.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You a lot calm now. I remember that you were the wild kind of person that first time you came. You were also cold and distant then. But now you seem to smile more and you show more emotions"

"Is that so?" I guess I did change a little. This life was different which made me different. I couldn't help it. "I think I've become soft lately"

"I like this side of you better, so don't go back to that" she said.

"Why was the old me bad? I didn't have a choice" that was a lie. I did have a choice. But I have chosen to be that way so I could become stronger.

"Because hiding your feelings doesn't make you strong. It make you even weaker." We arrived at the office. Matsumoto-san opened the door

"Captain look who came to visit!" She said excitedly pointing a me. I only managed to wave awkwardly. Matsumoto-san entered to leave the files then left again. "Well I'm over for today. See you! And Karin-chan think about what I told you ok?"

"What are you doing here?" The captain asked me once his lieutenant left.

"I'm waiting for my friend. I finished work early so I had some time to spare"

"I see, do you want some tea?" He asked offering me a cup.

"Sure. Why not." He poured some green tea into the cup and handed to me. I set down on the sofa in his office.

When I set down I noticed something particular in the corner of the room, it was a rounded object, with two colors, black and white. I got up and walked over to it. I felt a rush of deja Vu when I picked it up.

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