Chapter 3 Holiday

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Warning: very bad fight scene (I'm horrible at writing them so please excuse me) and mentions of bloody situations. But since you all watch anime I think this will be fine

A new year was the time when people units together, whether they are friends or family. Back at the Rukongai I spend this day almost always alone. Ever since he died anyways. It wasn't that I didn't have people to be with, I just didn't feel that well knowing that he'd never be there when I celebrate with them.

But that changed when I arrived at the Seireitei.

“Hey Karin. Aren't you excited for the new year?” Akira asked as we finished off the last class of the year.

“Not really. For me it's just any other day” I wasn't lying. Holidays meant nothing to me

“Really? That's not the spirit. Let's go to the shopping district. I'm sure there will be something fun we can do on this day”

“Right. But honestly Akira, I really don't care. I'm used to think that today it's just like any other day. Besides. I'm busy”

“Busy, why?”

“Because the Shibas want to invite people to dinner tonight to celebrate the new year. -of which you are invited too- and I have to make a lot of preparations. For me it is going to be a busy afternoon”

“Oh the dinner. I completely forgot about it. But isn't that around 7pm? We still have time to have fun”

“Alright” I gave in. Knowing her, she wouldn't stop until I agreed to what she wantes. “But just a little, I need to prepare for tonight as Ichigo told me. “Do your best for tonight! It's going to be special” but I still don't see what's so special about new year” besides that. After the winter holidays we'd soon be having the final exams. For final year students it was meant for them to graduate. The teacher told me that if I was able to pass it. I'd be able to graduate too. Their excuse was because I already had a zanpakuto.

Speaking of that, saaqometimes at night I dreamed of my zanpakuto spirit. I would end up in a weird place she called my innerworld. Sometimes we talked. Other times I couldn't hear what she wanted to tell me.

But each time she tried to tell me her name I always woke up soaking wet on my futon even the floor was wet from so much water. I never understood where the water came from.

“I promise you that you'll love it.” She said.

We flash stepped to the shopping district.  Where shinigamis goes to after they finish work.

Most people there were in standard shinigami uniform and we were dressed in our casual clothes.

Akira was dressed in a light purple kimono, she had her hair down for the occasion. I on the other hand was dressed in a dark green yukata with my zanpakuto still carried on my back with the help of a piece of clothing. My long black hair was in a low ponytail.

I looked around as I saw shinigamis talked with each other and having fun. Somehow it made me loathe them even morr. While they were having fun like this, we were starving to death in the Rukongai.

“Karin? Are you alright?” Akira asked as she saw my uneasy face.

“Ah, it's fine. I was just thinking” in the end I decided to keep my bloodlust under control. After all, I didn't want to ruin the good time for my friend.

“Don't think too much. We are here to have fun, not to think. First let's go to this restaurant over there. I know the owner” she said.

She took me to this place, it was a ramen shop. The building was very simple.

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