Chapter 2 Reborn

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Being part of a Noble clan was weird, being so close to the person who saved the Soul Society, years back was even weirder. Kurosaki Ichigo, originally a 15 year old human who turned into a shinigami while he was still alive. At first I didn't know who he was, but after studying my history book I realised that it was him.

The weirdest part of all is that even though the Shibas were supposed to be a Noble clan, nothing was traditional about them. The youngest brother Ganju owned a pig. And he usually hang out with the Rukongai residents. The head of the clan, Kukaku-san, didn't act like a head at all. And the house where they lived in? Was the most unique thing that I've ever seen. When I said that it was unique and cool, Kukaku-san slapped Ichigo's back so hard that it send him flying while her other arm wrapped around my neck "you understand this beauty! Unlike that idiot" was her exact words to me that day.

Her two servants were weird too. Long story short, everything related to them was weird

One month has passed since then. I didn't usually stay with them though. I only go visit them when I had breaks from classes. So it was hard to get used to everything. Besides... Every time Ichigo had to come and get me. "You'll never know where the house is. Kukaku change it every week" as he said.

I sweatdropped at that comment but later on I found it was a fact.

And generally I was actually starting to adapt to my new life. It actually felt quite good because I didn't have to worry about hollows nor worry about what I might eat the next day. However I was still confused to who I was. My friend Akira and I did some research but couldn't find anything regarding to missing child from important family branches, after that we stopped for a while because it was exam season and we had to study a lot to pass the exams.

Then I realised that if I wanted to find out about myself. My first choice was to go and talk with the one who brought me here. If anyone he'd have some answers for me. If he wanted to talk to me that is. It was our day off so I decided to start my plan. That morning Ichigo brought me to the Shiba residence.

"Hey Ichigo..." I approached my adoptive cousin. He was training in the opening in front of the house.

"What is it Karin?"

"Do you know some guy named Hitsugaya or something? You know white hair and apparently he is a captain" I asked.

"Toshiro?" He tensed.

"Toshiro is his name huh? Well do you or do you not?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well... I want to ask him some questions. Since he brought me here and all."

"Alright, I guess I could bring you to him. But don't bother them too much if they are busy ok?" He said. And I nodded.

Ichigo went back to the house and then five minute later he came out.

"Get on my back" since I didn't know how to flash step yet. He carried me everywhere we went. Damn this is quick, I need to learn it.

We arrived at our destination in no time at all. I looked at the giant gate in front of me with the same number I saw on his haori.

Ichigo pushed open the door and we went in. I took notice at my surroundings, shinigamis were all busy working.

"Karin come on this way" i didn't realise that I had stopped to watch until Ichigo called.

On our way we ran into a woman with huge chest. She had hair the same color as Ichigo's but a little lighter. This woman was wearing the standard shinigami uniform but with the exception of a pink fabric and a badge attached to her belt. This woman was the lieutenant.

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