Chapter 1 Found

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Alright! First of all. I have no idea what I'm doing here publishing something I wrote one year ago. And second I don't usually write in first person so I don't know how this turns out. But since this was from a random prompt that starts in first person I thought, well I should try something different. So this fic was born.
Alright enough of me talking...

His eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at me “you have no idea who I am, do you?” the boy in front of me, no the man in front of me asked. His appearance was very unusual, spiky white hair and icy cold turquoise eyes. As he stood before me I watched him a little better. Apart from the white hair he was also wearing a green scarf around his neck and it suited him quite well. From his outfit, I could tell that he was a shinigami, the standard shinigami uniform was wore under that haori with the number 10 on its back. He was also holding a sword much like my own on his back with a metal chain.

“Should I know you? Shinigami” I asked coldly. I got up from the group and I was ready to run and escape from him. However he appeared in front of me once I started moving. And I fell down on my butt.

“What are you doing? Shinigami, leave me alone!” I shouted at him but he didn't seem affected at all, in fact he picked me up like I was just a sack of potatoes and carried me on his shoulder.

“Hey! Don't ignore me! I said get me down and where are you taking me?” I straggled but he just ignored me like before. I stopped moving once I realized that it was useless and closed my eyes hoping that what was happening was just another weird nightmare.

“We are here” he said and I opened my eyes. He led go of me and my hand went directly to my sword.

“You… take me back now” I threatened pointing my weapon at him. That bastard, he didn't even finch, instead he calmly moved aside.

“I am afraid that I cannot do that.”


“Because you were putting that area in danger with your reiatsu. Which is why I am taking you to the Shino Academy for you to control it” he explained.

Academy? What academy? Was he taking me to this hell where they train shinigamis?

“Bullshit! Why would you care? Your kind never cared about us” I yelled.

“Like I said, you were putting other residents around you in danger” he turned around and started walking.

He didn't answer any of my questions so I decided to follow him. Besides I didn't even know where I was, I had nowhere to go anyways. I sheathed my sword again, and followed him. While we walked I looked at my surroundings. Not far from us was a large building surrounded by walls. The building was beautiful, it was the biggest thing I've ever seen in my life. Then again back at home I was so poor that I couldn't even get enough food. I sighed is it really going to happen? Am I really going to be forced to become a shinigami? I'm sorry… I couldn't keep my promise to you Shou.

The shinigami lead me into the building and some more shinigamis came over to us.

“Captain Hitsugaya! What brings you here?” One of them bowed to us, the one with a weird mustache. well more like bowed at the shinigami that kidnapped me. Was this guy important or something? He looked my age yet people twice our size respected him. Well shinigami "Weird Mustache" did call him captain Hitsugaya. Was Hitsugaya his name or something?

“I was patrolling the Rukongai and sensed this girl's reiatsu, it was leaking and affecting the other residents of her area and apparently she already has a zanpakuto” shinigami Hitsugaya said. Zanpakuto? What was that? The sword I was carrying?

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