Chapter 4 Deja Vu

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Warning: more blood and horrible fighting scenes. And OCs (quite a few of new characters.) Some of which are quite important in the story while others are just there to fill in space for the plot.
And now let's move on to the story!

At the day of the graduation, Akira and I ran out of our class like lightning. She was more excited than I was, but I had to follow her

“Oh my God! I'm so excited. Where do you think I will end up?” She asked.

“I don't know. But I think I mind end up in the 11th considering my background” I said. Their captain was the greatest.

“Yeah, that squad would suit you well. You idolise the captain, right?” I nodded. 

“Yeah, I heard stories from Ichigo that he once fought him and captain Zaraki is very strong also he's from the 80th too”

“Well to be honest I kinda want to be in squad 9. Personally I like writing and I want my articles to be published first”

“Well let's see about that.”

I passed the exams and graduated the academy just in one year. In the process I gained my zanpakuto. A water based one, which explained why sometimes I would wake up and finding myself and my room all soaked with water. Because I couldn't control my reiatsu.

We walked over to courtyard where everyone from our year was there. They were all talking.

First we looked for Akira's name.

She broke down there on the ground when she saw her name placed on the board of the 10th division, not the 9th. “Why? I wanted the 9th” she cried. I sweatdropped as I tried to comfort her.

“Calm down… I'm sure that someday you'll be able to transfer” I told her.

She got up from the floor “I guess…Let's go look for your name now Karin" she sighed

We walked over to the board from squad 11. And I sighed in disappointment as my name wasn't on there.

After quite long time of searching, we finally found my name on the 13th division's board. Well that is unexpected...

“13th? That's quite unexpected” I mumbled

“Yeah, I heard that they are quite a peaceful squad. Are you sure that you'll be able to be there?” My friend asked.

“Who knows” I shrugged. Well maybe that is for the best. I don't know, I might even enjoy it.

“Let's go find something to eat. We don't have to be at our squads until next week” she suggested.

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled.

“You know Karin, I'm glad that you are graduating with me. I'm not going to go through this alone anymore. Even though we ended up in different divisions, but I'm sure that we can still be good friends" she said

“Yeah I understand what you mean. I was actually surprised when you approached me that day. Because some people were actually afraid of me, mostly because of the zanpakuto I carried when I entered the academy.  And I promised to myself back then to never get close to anyone. But then you came and broke that. Now I think I'm ok to have friend again” maybe somewhere in my heart is still afraid of having friends. Because it hurt so much when I lose them. But this time instead of running away. I'll get stronger and make sure no one in my life leave me again.

"Hey speaking of your zanpakuto, you said that you've had it for a long time, didn't you? How exactly did you get it? If you don't mind me asking” she asked.

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