.Rise and Fall. (68)

Start from the beginning

"He looks impatient", Ethan remarked. I followed his gaze and saw Nick near the window watching us.

I gave a little wave to Nick which he returned with a smile. Then I turned to Ethan. "He is always impatient. See you later", I bidded goodbye to him and left.

When I walked out, Nick's eyes were not on me but behind where I saw Ethan walking out of the room too and I just knew what he was upto. I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm hungry. Can we go?"

He gave me his full attention before pulling me to him and pushing some hair behind my ear. "I don't like him near you", he seriously stated with his no bullshit tone.

For the second time, I rolled my eyes at him. "Stop getting jealous."

He smirked his infamous heart-melting-smirk all of a sudden. "Not jealous, I'm trying to protect what's mine and it's called being territorial." He pulled me closer making my hands rest on his chest and his wrapped around my waist leaving no room for air to pass. "And this is my territory."

Then he placed the soft feather like kiss on my forehead, I enjoyed the moment closing my eyes. He was slowly putting me back in one piece. The next light kiss on the tip of my nose, made my eyes snap open to see him smiling from ear to ear and it was real. I didn't deserve the sight in front of me. He was beautiful.

"You look happy", I stated trailing my eyes on every lines on his face like studying them to remember it.

"Because you make me." With that he placed his lips on mine.

As usual the boys were talking about stuffs that made zero sense to me on the table. I missed hanging out with them these past weeks, I thought that it was the best decision for me to cut myself from Nick's life and even his friends. But now, I am back on the same table.

"We should take her back to the forest full of lights", Jason suggested and I had no clue who is her here.

"No let's do something different this time", Alex shook his head.

"Dumb-ass jocks she is sitting right here. Stop it." Sarah stated with a strained voice. I narrowed my eyes at her, the only girl sitting with them is me other than her. What are they really talking about?

"What's going on?", I asked like I was sleeping for hours and woke up suddenly to this conversation.

"Nothing just planning for your bi.... Owh who the fuck stepped my fucking foot?", Mason yelled almost getting choked on his burger.

"Sorry I saw a big bug on you foot", Sarah apologised.

Now, I'm sure as hell they are hiding something from me and honestly, I felt left out. So I put on my headphones and ate my sandwich. Maybe I really missed out a lot to understand their conversation, afterall it was long time.

Nick had an unreadable expression on his straight face. He wasn't taking part in the talk too but he didn't look affected with the fact that he wasn't included in it either. Instead he was in a deep thought, something that actually scares me because I don't know what's going on in that head of his.

I shook him holding his shoulder. "What?", I asked.

"I was just thinking, what should we do tonight to make up for the time we have wasted."

"How about we go out somewhere?", I suggested surprising both of us. I didn't want him to dwell on things like these and maybe, we need some time together and fresh air.

"Are you asking me out for a date indirectly, Williams?", he smirked. I was happy seeing him back on being like.. him. The cocky self.

"Whatever rocks your world", I shrugged.

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