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He didn't even come to the funeral, he couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye to her in her casket. He stayed at home, his fingers resting on the goodbye letter she wrote- addressed to him.

He hadn't read it yet, just looking at the letter sent a literal chill down his spine. He didn't know if he was ready, but before he could answer his own question he already laid his eyes on the words written on the neatly folded piece of paper.

Dear Hoseok.

As you're reading this, I'll most likely be dead. I hope you're happy, you got what you wanted, didn't you? You're happy, aren't you? You waned me dead. You told me. You said it straight to my face. You hurt me so much, you have no idea how much my heart hurt because of you, yet, despite that, I loved you, Hoseok. I still do as I'm writing this letter to you. I love you so much I feel like ripping my heart out and sending it to you. I love you so much your name rings in my head and drives me insane. I love you so much I'd gladly follow you to the end of earth. But you hate me, you despise me, you love someone else. That's okay. We just weren't meant to be, were we? Thats okay. That's perfectly fine.

No matter how much I want to hate you, I simply can't. I hate this, I hate us, I hate myself. But I can't bring myself to hate you, Hoseok. I hope you're happy in a world where I don't exist anymore. I hope you won't think of me late at night and recall the times when we talked in the park. I hope you don't think about the dark colour of my eyes and the bruises you frequently saw on my neck. Just forget about me, okay? Please be happy.

PS. I know you were never a sociopath. You're a good liar, you know? You should drop that act, it doesn't suit you at all.

Goodbye, Hoseok.

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