Young James x Reader

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This imagine is PG-13. There's no explicit PG-13 stuff, but there are mentions of nudity and other stuff. AND: THERE'S MENTIONS OF EATING DISORDERS, SELF-HATRED AND DYSMORPHIA. If you're sensitive to these subjects, please refrain from this imagine. And please read the author's note at the end. 

However, this imagine is even worse on the emotional side. Buckle up and enjoy. Oh, and have tissues. 

Songs for this imagine: "Rooftop Kiss"- Track number 12 from The Amazing Spiderman Soundtrack and "Stay Right Where You Are" - From The Space Between Us Soundtrack.

It was Friday. Undoubtedly the best day of the week, the day that, as soon as classes were over, students could finally get the sleep - or party and social time- they couldn't get throughout the week. It was usually the day when the seventh years would be allowed into Hogsmeade until the late hours of the night - The poltergeists made sure to count every single student back into the castle- and the common rooms were buzzing with parties or hangouts. 

However, James and Y/N were doing something very different. 

First, let me tell you more about these two. 

James Fleamont Potter, son to Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. 18 years old, a total wild child with a heart of gold. A bit of a player, a lot of a charmer. Very short-sighted, condition that called for his characteristic square glasses that were always perched on his nose. Athletic, well built- after all, he was keeper and captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team- and exceptionally tall. Messy, black curls crowned his head and framed his jagged edges and prominent jawline, all tied together with a pair of plump lips that often turned into his characteristic smirk, and a pair of big, hazel eyes. 

James was known for caring about everyone. Being Head Boy, he sure was the "dad" of the school- he was always up to helping anyone and taking care especially of the younger students. He had a golden heart, that was for sure- I mean, he took in his best friend as his brother back in their fourth year- and everyone loved him. He was a child at heart, a mommy's boy, extremely brave and a total prankster- all with help of his inseparable group of friends, the Marauders. 

Y/N Y/L/N was not your average girl, really. In fact, she was almost invisible. Medium-height, with narrow shoulders and timid eyes, she was usually the girl who wouldn't talk. She had Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes, mesmerizing and gorgeous- not that she let them show very often. Perfect student, especially in Potions and Herbology, and very smart. A Gryffindor gal through and through, and James Potter's girlfriend. 

James and Y/N had met by chance, really. Bumping into each other in the hallway to the Astronomy Tower- James had caught her in his arms before she hit the floor and it had been love at first sight- back in their fifth year, they didn't think they had ever met someone like each other before. Something clicked very well- maybe it was their clashing characteristics or the fact that they both had a heart of gold, eager to help and make everything better- and they fell in love with each other. 

Both James and Y/N yearned for love, once they actually thought about it. James filled this empty void with several girls, Y/N filled it with her slumberous dreams. Once they met, they couldn't stop thinking about each other- they were so different but so similar. And they never thought they would be with each other- no one thought in fact, it was such a clashing couple that at first, no one understood how it had come together. 

But come to think of it, the understanding soon settled in. In some way, Y/N and James complemented each other. What one wasn't, the other one was. And they made a great pair, especially since now they had someone to take care of with their life. Each other. 

Harry Potter Imagines/One Shots BOOK 2- #Wattys2018 #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now