Harry x Reader

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The night had fallen in, and the weekend had just arrived. Final grade exams were sucking the life out of the sixth year students, so a little break from the neverending studying schedule was highly appreciated. 

However, there were two people who cherished this free time more than anyone. Harry Potter and Y/N Y/L/N. 

Y/N walked slowly down the hallways of the third floor, trying to not make much of a show of herself. But her heart rate couldn't help but quicken as she approached her destination, a blank wall. 

She walked three times before the wall, thinking fast and hard. The door to the Room of Requirements showed up to her, and she smiled widely. She opened the door and closed it quickly behind her, lingering for a second to realize that, just like she expected, no one had seen or heard her. 

She turned around and there was Harry, waiting for her standing with a smile on his face. 

'Finally'- She sighed with a smile, throwing herself into his arms with a laugh. Harry chuckled, picking her up from the floor and twirling her around. When he put her down, he looked at her now gleaming eyes, and how the edges of her lips curled up into a smile. 

'I missed you'- He said truthfully, lightly touching her cheek with his thumb. Y/N just closed her eyes, waiting for Harry to lean in and kiss her, which was exactly what he did. 

Y/N and Harry had been in a secret relationship for six months. Why secret, do you ask? Well, mainly because they were best friends, and they wanted no one from their group to know. They were sure something would go terribly wrong if they showed their relationship off. Mainly because Ginny liked Harry and Harry was quite sure Oliver Wood had some sort of infatuation with Y/N (Which made him extremely jealous, but Y/N assured him she was his and only his.), so they came to an agreement to keep their relationship a secret. And that's how they managed, sneaking knowing glances at each other across the classroom, holding hands under tables and sneaking kisses every now and then, and of course meeting in the Room of Requirements every single Friday night. 

Her arms looped around his neck, pulling his face closer to hers, kissing him harder. His hands ran down her sides to end up wrapped around her waist, one of his hands rising to her shoulder blades. Harry smiled against her lips, the height difference between them was something that made him smile. Y/N was adorably short for his height, which meant she often had to pull him down to her height to kiss him. 

But instead, he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She held onto him tighter, her hands slipping into his hair. Those Friday night kisses were the ones they waited for an entire week, so they were often very heartfelt and passionate. 

A few (Or many) minutes later of kisses and giggles, Y/N and Harry sat on the loveseat that was magicked into the room when they entered, Y/N sitting on Harry's lap straddling him, so she could see him. The latter was playing with her hands, often pressing kisses to her knuckles. 

'So, I've been thinking'- He suddenly said, lacing his fingers with hers and looking down, trying to find the words to say what he had to say. He looked up into her waiting eyes. -'I think we should not keep this a secret anymore, Y/N'

Y/N's eyes widened. 

'Are you saying you want us to go public? You know, as boyfriend and girlfriend?'- She asked softly. Harry looked worried. 

'Only if you want, my love'- He was quick to explain.-'I mean, the fact is'- He breathed in-'I can't help it anymore, Y/N. I want to be able to walk with you to class and kiss you whenever I want. To have you cuddle with me in the Common Room and everything else. Besides, I can't stand Oliver looking at you anymore. Or anyone looking at you like that anymore, for that matter'- He chuckled after this, his cheeks tinting pink. Y/N giggled. -'Besides, Ron and Hermione are suspicious something's going on. And both you and I know that.'

Harry Potter Imagines/One Shots BOOK 2- #Wattys2018 #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now