Sirius x Male! William

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Requested by abbychristinej , this is maybe one of the best requests I've ever gotten to write. Anyways, enjoy! 

(PD: Why have my reads lowered so much? I know I lack imagines, I don't have time to write tbh, but it's like going back to the beginning tf.)

'Yeah, Will was helping him with potions today'- James told Remus. 

'Will helped who?'- Sirius suddenly snapped in a matter of milliseconds, looking at the brunette he called his brother. James smirked. 

'Fuck you, James.'- Sirius scoffed, knowing that James had caught him again. The other three laughed. 

It was a normal thing to see Sirius Black turning his head to stare at certain boys in the hallways at Hogwarts. Somehow all of the school figured he wasn't straight early before he came out as gay, and let me tell you, he praised it perfectly. 

Sirius was like the revolutionary weapon at Hogwarts. Believed to be a very strict and prudent school, when the rocker one of the group of four that was so known of at the wizarding school came out and spread his word of defence for the ones like him, all of those who were afraid of what may become of them if they even questioned their sexuality became loose and proud. For Godric's sake, Sirius had even dyed his hair rainbow for the entire month of June in his fifth year. And the school became a safe environment, that fought against the laws and stereotypes in the muggle world, and against everything wrong. 

And Sirius loved it. Anyone at the school can tell you, almost every queer guy at Hogwarts had passed through Sirius Black and his seductive methods. No one could resist him. 

But, there was one guy, one gay guy, who could melt Sirius down in seconds. 

William Asher. 

Usually called Will for short, the Gryffindor was a good friend of the Marauders. Quidditch teammate to James after Sirius had left his position and Slughorn Club partner to Remus, the guy spent a lot of time with the Marauders. 

Pitch black hair, usually quiffed to the side, that made Sirius want to constantly turn it into a beautiful mess atop his head, and the brightest green eyes he had ever, even brighter than Lily's, that had the tiniest hint of blue around the inner rims, the guy was gorgeous. Tall, very tall, and seriously athletic- Sirius could never forget when he arrived at school for his sixth year and saw that suddenly Will's muscles showed through his shirt -, the guy was a Greek God. But what drove him crazy the most was his jawline. 

Sirius had first noticed it one night at a Gryffindor afterparty. The night had fallen in, and all of the scarlet and golds had spent the night celebrating a Quidditch victory against Slytherin in their common room. Alcohol was spread around, music was loud and the air was thick with happiness. All of the players- and some friends- had stalked behind when the party ended, all sitting on the sofas and chairs next to the fireplace. 

And Will was a little tipsy from the alcohol- Sirius could just not stop staring, he looked very handsome somehow, all loopy and in his Quidditch jersey and pants- as he wrapped his arm around his best friend, Florence Bright, as the honey blonde girl laughed at how Will was so clingy when he was drunk. 

And suddenly someone had said a joke and Will had thrown up his head in laughter, as he laughed at the ceiling, providing Sirius with a view of his slicing jawline. 

It was no lie that William Asher had enviable facial features, but his jawline- sharp and prominent- was, according to Sirius, the biggest turn on a guy could have. 

Harry Potter Imagines/One Shots BOOK 2- #Wattys2018 #WattPrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora