Oliver x Abby

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Requested by abbychristinej I might be finished with the requests this week! So my originals will be back soon.

Gryffindor was very lucky. Very, very lucky.

The crimson and gold had their very own prefect as a Quidditch chaser and the girl was one of the best in history,

Abby Justice was the heart of the Gryffindor House. Even though she was only a sixth year, she was one of the most popular, praised girls in the school. People just found her to be enticing, funny, gorgeous. No one messed with her. 

And, besides, Abby Justice was Oliver Wood's girlfriend. 

It was meant to be, really. Abby and Oliver, two Quidditch lovers that had the sport running through their blood like oxygen, that found love in the Quidditch pitch (Literally, they first met there when Oliver was on his fifth year and Abby on her fourth.), were the perfect pair. They knew better than competitiveness between each other, they instead supported each other to death. 

Abby looked at Oliver who, sitting next to her, was kindly polishing her broom. She owned a firebolt, unlike Oliver, who still owned his lucky Nimbus 2000, which had been a gift from his father. 

Oliver felt her eyes on her. He stopped his actions, turning to look at the blue-eyed goddess he was lucky to call his girlfriend. 

'What?'- He chuckled when Abby snapped out of her thoughts. Abby smiled brightly. 

'Nothing.'- She said, pressing a kiss against his cheek.-' We better hurry, the match starts in fifteen minutes'

Indeed, fifteen minutes later, they were about to go out into the pitch- the sun was shining brightly, perfect weather for a match-, and Gryffindor was playing Hufflepuff that afternoon. The bleachers were a buzz- half scarlet and gold, half yellow and black- and the players were excited. Quidditch day was a good day, for sure. 

As they kicked off the ground and into the sky before Madam Hooch let the play balls fly, Oliver looked at Abby, who saluted at him, their good luck sign. Abby smiled and flew away towards the edge of the pitch, ready to chase the Quaffle. 

The whistle flew, and the match started. 

Halfway through the match, Abby could feel that something was extremely wrong. The bludgers were following her around incessantly, and would not stop, it was almost as if they were jinxed. Then, she looked at the Hufflepuff beaters. 

Of course. 

The Hufflepuff beaters were, much to Abby's unpleasantries, the couple that she had deducted points from the week before. Being a Prefect, Abby was to deduct points off people who roamed the school at night, after school hours. And Abby had caught them, two Hufflepuffs making out against a wall of a hallway. And had told them off. 

She rolled her eyes. 

'Cut it off!'- She screamed in rage, but the bludger hit her ankle with a force that twisted the body part into a weird angle. 

Oliver heard a scream from above him, a scream in a pitch that was way too recognizable. He looked up and, the next thing he saw, was Abby falling from her broom.

Everyone gasped. No one knew what would happen to Abby Justice. 

She expected a blunt to the head from the impact, but it never came. Instead, she bounced back into someone's embrace. 

Her eyes opened in fear. They met the ones of his lover's. 

'You okay?'- The boy asked in concern, his Irish accent lacing his every word. He had lowered to the ground and was now standing with the girl in his arms. 

Tears were falling down Abby's face, she was in unbearable pain. 

'My ankle. It's broken'- She whimpered, nuzzling her head in Oliver's shoulder. 

The match was cancelled. The Hufflepuff beaters were punished adequately, and Oliver offered to carry Abby to the Hospital Ward himself. Abby was given a pain reliever potion, that ceased the crying in seconds, much to her and Oliver's gratitude, and her ankle was put in a cast. 

'Oliver, I can walk by myself to my own room.'- Abby laughed. Oliver was carrying her to her room in order for her to not have to use crutches or take hours to walk back, and the situation made her feel fuzzy inside. 

'Darling, you can't walk yet. You're on a cast.'- He said, smiling at Abby's twinkling eyes.-'Besides, I'm doing it because I love you.'-And, with that phrase, he received a tender kiss on his cheek. 

They reached her room. She had one of her own, she was a Prefect. Which meant joy for Oliver, as he would very often stay behind and sleep with Abby instead of going back to his crowded dorm. 

And that was the current situation. Oliver was lying down on Abby's king sized bed, his back against a pillow against the headrest, Abby's head on his chest. His fingers were weaving through her hair softly, inducing Abby with a good amount of sleepiness. 

'Thank you'- Abby whispered softly. Both of them were looking out the window, at the massive rainfall. It had started to rain after the cancelled match, and the evening had settled in. Oliver however, diverted his eyes from the window to his girlfriend. 

'For what, love?'- He asked, his hand moving to her cheek. Abby smiled, looking up at him. 

'For taking care of me'

'It's nothing.'- Oliver smiled back. He kissed her forehead. -'I would do anything for you.'

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