Draco x Reader

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Hello, Sunshines! Here's a new imagine for all of you loves of my life. 

Also, if anyone of you likes Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments, or you simply love sappy love stories, you can go check my new Shadowhunters imagines book. 

Y/N Y/L/N had always thought she had been extremely lucky to be chosen Prefect. She had all the traits for it, it was kind of obvious she would get chosen. She was the perfect Y/H/N. Smart, social, considerate. She wasn't afraid of anything, so it was the perfect position for her. 

However, she was also the unluckiest person in the world. And this because the Head Girl had had the amazing of pairing her up for the nightly rounds around the school with none the other than Draco Malfoy. 

Draco and Y/N hated each other to the core. They also liked each other to the core. But hatred often overcame everything. No one knew why they did hate each other, but all they knew is that they did. They would often throw snide remarks at each other, and there had been instances where the Head Boy and Girl or the teachers had had to intervene because wands had been drawn against each other. 

So, obviously, doing their rounds every single night together for the remainder of the year was the worst thing that could happen to them. They had both tried to escape it, basically begging with their souls that they didn't get paired together. But the Head boy and Girl were smarter and insisted. 

Their first rounds were a mess. Living Hell, if you would ask them. They would constantly bicker and fight about anything and everything, leaving both of them fuming for the entirety of the day after. 

After a while, things improved with time. Somehow, they had managed to transform their fighting time into talking time. They used their rounds around the castle to talk, to let off steam. And their talks with time became deeper, intricate, and most of all, secretive. They even made a magical promise to not ever tell anything that was talked about in those rounds. 

They were always lucky to never find anyone in those rounds, unlike all the other prefects. They never encountered couples, groups or individuals doing anything suspicious, not even sneaking out of their rooms out of curfew. Or maybe they were so into their talks that they didn't care to notice. 

Until one night. They were walking in deathly silence: their rounds were to almost come to an end and besides, they were too cold to even talk. When suddenly, they heard noises. Voices, to be exact. Giggles and kissing. 

'There's someone snogging in there.'- Y/N said, motioning to the hallway they were about to go into. Draco nodded, ready to stop them. Y/N lighted up her wand, but neither of the members of the couple even noticed. They were too far away to notice the light, but close enough for Draco and Y/N to see the makeout on full display. 

Draco waited. Y/N was supposed to go ahead and stop them, her being before him. But Y/N didn't. Draco just looked at her confusedly, as she just stood there and watched. 

'Y/N?'- He asked softly.-'Why aren't you stopping them?'- He walked beside her, to see her almost in a daze, wand in hand. Y/N didn't snap out of her thoughts, but her expression changed from motionless to, if Draco could describe it, almost upset. 

'Look at them.'- She muttered.-'They look so in love. They look needy. Like they've been waiting for this moment forever.'- Then, she snapped out of her thoughts, and Draco knew exactly what she was thinking when she looked at him with those glossy eyes he loved so much. She was thinking about herself. Draco knew exactly her story: her boyfriend, a guy from Ravenclaw he absolutely despised had broken up with her almost half a year ago, and she still missed the feeling of a relationship. He knew she was thinking about the poor possibility of ever being kissed like that again. 

'I'll go ahead.'- She said, blatant. -'You stop them whenever you want.'

And Draco looked as she left down the hallway they had just walked through, not giving him a last look or a smile, a thing she had been offering him those last nights when he walked her to her room after the rounds.  

Draco looked once more at the couple. Then, he ran after her. 

'Y/N, wait.'- He ran to catch up with her, but she didn't stop. Until she felt a hand grabbing her wrist, turning her around and, before she even knew it, she had a pair of lips crashed to hers. 

She knew instantly it was Draco. It was the smell of his cologne around them or the coldness of his hands against her cheek and jawline. It was the perfect fit of his lips around hers, lips she had fantasized about for the past month. 

Her breath hitched in her throat. But she responded a few seconds later, completely melting under Draco's electric touch. Draco sighed in relief that she had kissed back, and he pressed his lips against hers harder, trying to get her to part her lips. 

Y/N didn't let him at first. He tried a few more times, but she was persistent. 

'Y/N, open your mouth or I'll choke.'- He whispered against her lips. She giggled and let him, as his hands gripped her hips and pulled her flush against him, her hands meeting at the nape of his neck. 

A few seconds later, and Y/N was pushed against a wall. Draco followed, trapping her body with his. They didn't stop kissing, it was like they were saying all they had wanted to say ever since they realized they had feelings for each other, and they were doing what they had craved most. 

'Malfoy and Y/L/N. Finally.'- A voice interrupted them. Draco pulled away, a groan leaving his lips as he trapped her bottom lip with his teeth slightly before pulling away under Y/N's delighted stare. They looked at the person the voice came from, meeting with Blaise Zabini and a random Hufflepuff girl. Draco was shocked, he was surprised he didn't recognize his best friend. 

'Shut up, Blaise. And leave.'- Draco said, his hands still laced in between Y/N's body. He felt her bury her head in his neck in embarrassment, chuckling softly. 

'I'm leaving, Draco.'- Blaise raised an eyebrow.-'But this is a talk that will not be left unattended.'-He shifted his eyes to Y/N. -'Y/N.'- He acknowledged her, and he and the Hufflepuff girl left. 

Draco's eyes returned to Y/N, whose head was leaning against the wall. He had a leg in between hers, and her hands were tracing his jawline. He pressed his forehead against hers. 

'He's a git.'- Draco muttered annoyed. Y/N chuckled.-'But he's my best friend, what can I say.'- He admitted, his eyes wandering in between her eyes, now half-lidded, and her lips, oh so tempting. 

'But now'- He mused.-'You and I have unfinished business.'- He whispered even lower, and pressed his lips against hers again.

Harry Potter Imagines/One Shots BOOK 2- #Wattys2018 #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now