Young James x Author

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YES, I know you're tired of these... I'm sorry. :)

The night had finally fallen in at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The air grew colder, and the atmosphere inside the castle thicker. After all, it was a simple Tuesday night: no parties, no Quidditch games, nothing. The castle would be at peace.

And so was Julie's dorm room, for that matter. She shared a room with two other girls who she had grown very fond of- Alice Longbottom and Lily Evans- but no one would ever compare to the sisterhood bond she had with her longtime best friend, Slytherin Queen Chloe Amber, but none of her roommates was to be in the room for the entirety of the evening- Lily had something to do with Severus (Julie did NOT approve of that friendship but, oh well, who was she to judge.), while Alice was going out with Frank-again-. She had all the dorm to herself, and it was all she could possibly ask for.

So she went the extra mile, playing some of her favorite slow songs- because, let's be honest, slow songs and cold nights? Yes please.-, without a single worry about anyone hearing her belt out any of them, and changed out of her uniform to a big sweater, heavily infused with the wondrous smell of her boyfriend, and a pair of knee-high wool socks to fight the biting cold. 

You may be wondering why I mentioned Julie had a boyfriend but never told you who it was. 

Julie's relationship with James Potter was something no one understood at first. They were so different, but so similar. He was a free soul, a guy who lived by the mantra "reckless insanity", the guy who reeked popularity here and there. And she was reserved, quiet, determined. She wasn't exactly popular, nor beautiful, but there was something James found in her that always scrambled him to pieces. 

It was after a coincident night in the Astronomy Tower that they had grown close. A night when they both needed comfort from the pitch dark sky and the dazzling stars, and a crave for being by themselves that took them there, to find each other. They talked a lot that night. So much, that they decided to bail out of class the next day because it was almost six in the morning when they finally went to sleep. 

After that night, James couldn't stop thinking about Julie, and Julie couldn't stop thinking about James. They would drive Chloe and Sirius crazy, to the point where these two also became good friends with each other (And it was super obvious that they liked each other, but none of them would dare admit it.). Give Julie and James one party, a few swigs of subdued fire whiskey and a game of spin the bottle and all of a sudden they were kissing. 

It took James a while to ask Julie the big question. He knew how reserved she was, and why. She knew she had never liked herself in any possible way, and that she had been played around millions of times before. But she was not that person anymore. James watched her transform from someone who would never speak her mind to someone who was brave and powerful, independent and a badass. And that's what took the toll for James. She was it, she was his perfect girl.  And, much to his delight, she said yes when he asked her, at last, to be his girlfriend. 

James was overwhelmed with the intense smell inside the room when he entered. But he loved it, he had to admit it. The overpowering smell of pineapple and coconut, almost like stepping into a beach with a Piña Colada in hand, smell very characteristic of Julie and her shampoo and conditioner set, was James' guilty pleasure. It was just so sweet, yet so exotic, much like the girl who wore it. 

Closing the door behind him, he removed his shoes, leaving them by said door. He chuckled silently when he heard Julie sing along to the music, her voice was quite melodious if he had to admit so himself, and he could spend days and nights listening to it. 

Harry Potter Imagines/One Shots BOOK 2- #Wattys2018 #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now