Fred x Reader

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Hello! Hi, I know, I know you may be pissed at me because, well, I haven't updated in three months. AND IM SORRY. I literally don't have a single break from school (being a senior is fucking hard.), and im writing this in class :) sorry not sorry.
Anyways, enjoy.<3

This was partly taken from a post in @its_lanna_here 's tumblr page. 

The hallways seemed eerily quiet as she walked through them. The uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach was deepening, and her thoughts were swirling slowly in her mind.
Her step was quick and her eyes were watery.

Y/N sometimes had that feeling of loneliness. 

People usually called her obsessed, the sixth year was always in the hunt for true love- mainly because she felt really lonely. And because sometimes, she needed someone who would wrap his arms around her and lull her to sleep or kiss her softly.- but when that dreaded feeling settled in, nothing could cheer her up. 

She knew perfectly that she was harming herself only when she looked around before entering the deserted classroom. But she gave into her thoughts and entered, closing the door behind her. 

And there it stood, pristine and untouched. The Mirror of Erised. 

She sighed in relief, and also in defeat. 

Once again, the Mirror of Erised, the wonderful myth of the mirror that showed you what your greatest desire was, was also a heartbreaker. Because sometimes, it showed you unattainable things. 

Y/N stood in front of the mirror. Again, she saw the same image she had been seeing since she was in her fourth year. 

She looked the same, her reflection staring back at her. But the only difference was that Fred Weasley's arms were wrapped around her waist. 

She had seen the same image for years. And it gave her mixed feelings. She would go back to stare at that reflection over and over again, trying to not feel lonely. But when she left, she would always end up crying. 

Fred and Y/N were very good friends. It was no strange thing for Y/N to fall in love with one of the redheaded twins after a while, but she was very good at hiding it for her own good. Or so she thought. 

She sighed in relief as she looked in the mirror. The image looked so real- Fred was staring at her lovingly,  like he understood. And his arms would wrap even tighter around the Y/N in the mirror from behind, body pressed against hers and her head resting against his chest.- It looked so real, she could feel it. 

She looked into his eyes. They were filled with sorrow. 

'I'm sorry.'- She said, her hand raising to match what would be his cheek. -'As much as I want it to happen, it won't. You don't love me in real life.'- She whispered. The Fred in the mirror nodded, before returning with her reflection, rewrapping his arms around her. Y/N watched as her reflection smiled at him as she laced her fingers with his, her head resting slightly on his shoulder

A tear slipped out of her eye. It just felt so real, she could feel his arms wrapped around her waist. 

'There's no need to cry'- Y/N froze. She turned around and...

He was there. 

Fred Weasley was there, in real life, his arms wrapped around her waist and his body flush against hers. 

'Are you real?'- She asked, her hand raising to touch his cheek lightly. She was fazed at the feeling of his skin against her hand. He smiled. 

She turned around and looked into the mirror. Nothing was there. 

Fred turned her around. Y/N was confused, was sensible and was hopeful at the same time. 

'You've been coming here for ages, Y/N.'- He said, his voice dropping a few octaves.-'To just hurt yourself by watching that reflection.'- He raised his hand to her cheek, wiping a tear off her eye.-'Why didn't you tell me?'

'I was scared.'- She whispered.-'You seemed to always have me as a friend, a second resource. And you looked so in love with Angelina, even though she never liked you. I didn't want to risk it.'

'Y/N'- Fred's face was even closer to hers. He pushed his forehead against hers, one of his hands slipping to the small of her back. -'You need to know the truth.'

He breathed in before continuing. 

'I'm in love with you.'- He said.-'What you saw in the mirror, is the same thing I've been seeing for the past year.'

Y/N was dumbfounded. Was Fred in love with her?

'Fred, I...'- But she couldn't continue her phrase. 

'Please.'- He pleaded in a whisper.-'Just tell me you love me back.'

'I love you.'- She was quick to admit it. And she closed her eyes, waiting for the crude impact. But it never came. 

Instead, Fred lowered down and, ever so softly, pressed his lips against hers in a kiss. 

And as they kissed, a new reflection appeared in the mirror. 

Instead, this time she wore a ring around her finger. 

Harry Potter Imagines/One Shots BOOK 2- #Wattys2018 #WattPrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora