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Dan and I left our place on the sofa after the film had finished. Just like always, the end left us in a huge amount of tears.

Dan left to go to his office to edit a few videos that he and Phil had been working on and I decided to get on and do some of the housework. Not long after I had finished mopping the floors of the kitchen, my two children come running in, their bags over their shoulders still.

"Hi guys." I greeted, "Good day at school?"

"Meh." Winnie replied shrugging his shoulders.

The next two people to walk through the kitchen door was two people from the Lester household. Max and Katie strolled in calmly, both with similar looking smiles.

"Mrs Lester, how are you today?" I grinned as Katie placed her bag onto the breakfast bar.

"I'm good Mrs Howell. How about you?" Katie replied calmly.

"Just peachy. I was just about to make coffee, could I offer you one?" I asked, reaching over and flipping the switch of the kettle.

Katie nodded enthusiastically, pushing herself up onto the bar stool. Yet my attention wasn't completely on Katie as I got the two coffee cups out of the cupboard.

My eyes were glued on the three teenagers lingering to the back of her. The red headed Lester was talking to Luna with with the widest of smiles. Luna looking back to him with the most adorning expression, her brother however looking around rather bored, not listening to them at all.

"Kids, why don't you go up to your rooms. Katie and I want to chat." I ask them nicely.

"I know when we're not wanted." Winnie replies quickly, "we'll just go be unwanted by dad instead."

My smart mouth teenager pushed his friend and sister out the door quickly. Leaving the kitchen to only Katie who was grinning and myself who had poured the hot water into the cups and pushed the milk and sugar toward the brunette.

"Can I ask a question." Katie asked as she put a sugar into her coffee and stirred it.

"Of course." I nod, pouring in my milk.

Katie looked over her shoulder at the door, subtly, making sure the cost was clear. Then turned back to me and leaned over the counter a little bit.

"Do Luna and Max seem a little friendly to you?" Katie sort of whispered, "and by friendly I mean, giddy, as though they-"

"Have a crush." I finished her off.

She leaned back in her chair, the same knowing expression that I had on my face. Loud giggles came from upstairs, sounding like Luna's high pitched shriek of enjoyment. Katie and I swapped knowing looks. 

"Phil will be thrilled." Katie buzzed with excitement, "He always goes on about how Max will score a good little wife one day." 

"I wish Dan was on the same page. He won't be happy with his little girl dating." I add, biting my lip and smiling a little.

"There he goes, Daniel killing our dreams." Katie mocked, sipping on her coffee. 

I giggled into my cup, as i drank the remainder of the liquid. I turned to place it into the sink, letting it fill up with bubbles. I turned back to Katie who was still sipping on her hot beverage. Just behind her, Dan came through the door, a curious look on his face. 

"Did I hear my name a moment ago?" Dan asked, standing next to Katie, who he towered over. 

"Oh it was nothing to important, we just mentioned the fact that you've killed our dreams." The sentence rolled off Katie's tongue so casually. 

I had to put my hand over my mouth to muffle my giggles, as Dan looked down at a smug looking Katie. His face was covered in an expression that was very confused, but also slightly hurt. His eyes travelled to me for reassurance, but all I could do was chuckle into my hand. 

"Can someone explain to me, what on earth is going on?" Dan asked, his voice quiet, still filled with shock. 

Katie beckoned him closer, making him bend down to her level. I also came a little closer, so we could gossip about our children while they were just upstairs. None of them were any wiser about the three adults who were making a topic out of their love lives. 

"Okay, you have to swear you won't get mad." I whisper, scold to Dan. 

His eyes scanned between me and Katie who were stupidly smirking at each other. Quickly, he then held his hands up in defeat, silently promising  that he wouldn't get mad at what the women were going to tell him. 

"Good, so, Katie and I have come to the conclusion that Luna has a crush." I inform him, making sure my excited voice didn't get to loud for the children to hear. 

"A crush? On a boy?" Dan asked, a frown beginning to form. 

"You said you wouldn't get mad!" I whined at my husbands, progressively building red face. 

"I'm not mad." He said coolly, pushing his hair our of his face to try and seem more relaxed. In his attempts, he put his elbows on the table, leaning into them, "But I don't like the idea of boys, Sophie."

"Well we think that boy, is Max." Katie applauded happily, once she told Dan the news. 

Dan just stared at her blankly. His mouth gawped open, and his eyes remained wide as he looked at Katie's overly happy face. She stopped, and narrowed her eyes at Dan. Katie's eyes then landed on me, before pointing a lazy finger at Dan. 

"We should not have told him. What a mood killer." Katie rolled her eyes, standing up from the stool. 

"I'm not killing the mood, Katie. I just don't want my little girl to be around teenage boys." Dan told her, as she glared at him with her arms crossed over her chest, "No disrespect to Max, but I was young once myself. Hormones are a crazy thing." 

"Huh, is that right?" Katie asked him sarcastically, before yelling her son's name at the top of her lungs, trying to get his attention, "Well, I'll be taking my crazy, raging hormonal son home now." 

I had a large smirk plastered over my face as I watched the mother and my husband stand off, protecting their children at all costs. They didn't even give up when the three teenagers piled into the kitchen, Max immediately heading to his mother's side. 

Luna came to join me, standing close to my side. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, cuddling her into me as I watched Dan and Katie still participating in the stare off. 

"Come on Max, your father is waiting for us at home." Katie's attitude quickly changed as she spoke in awe to her son, then turned to me and grinned heavenly, "Thank you for the coffee, love, it was nice having a catch up." 

"Anytime sweetie. You're welcome anytime." I tell her before swapping my eyes to her red head son, "You too Max. Feel free to stop by anytime. I'll see you guys soon." 

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs Howell." Max waved before he parted, "And I'll see you guys tomorrow at school. See you later, Luna." 

"Later, man." Winnie called, from his stationary position, hovering at the door. 

"Bye Maxie!" Luna giggled. 

The two Lester's disappeared after one last wave. As soon as the front door closed, my two teenagers vanished off to their own rooms, not speaking to us or each other. I glanced over at Dan who was still stood in the middle of the kitchen, a faint angry look on his face. Eventually, he looked up and caught my eye before pointing a finger at me. 

"No dating until she's 40."

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