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I placed the warm bowl down on Luna's legs as she groggily rubbed her tired eyes. Her temperature had come down quite a bit and her face had become slightly less red.

"You'll have to thank Phil when you see him in the playground next." I say, taking the now empty bowl off of the child.

She nodded and laid back down into her bed, I placed a quick kiss to her forehead and backed out the door. I made my way down stairs and put the bowl in the dishwasher, and grabbed my phone.

I didn't expect to see the little yellow and white square in my apps, I had completely forgotten I had downloaded it again. But with out hesitating, I put in my old details and it let me into my old account with no problem. After flicking through five years worth of Snapchats from old friends, I opened my block list.

There, right at the top, was the user named: Daniel Howell.

I read over his name a few times before doing something extremely bold, my finger tapped the unblock button and magically, his name appeared on the top of my recent list as if he was never gone. I didn't expect Dan to use his old account anymore, so the fact he was back on there didn't bother me at all.

"Mummy!" Luna cried, and I rushed to my feet, leaving my phone on the sofa.

I jumped up the stairs and appeared at her bedroom door, she was sat up in bed, her eyes looked as though she hadn't slept in days and her curly hair looked knotty.

"Can I have a bath please?" Luna asked.

I smiled at the unfortunate little girl and I nodded. Quickly, I began to fill up the bath with warm water and added some bubble bath to the running water. I returned to Luna and knelt down beside her and carefully removed her Pj top and bottoms, giving her body chance to cool down. I scooped her up and placed her into the warm, soapy water and turned the running taps off.

I used my hand to wash over her shoulders and behind her ears. While her hands fiddled with the bubbles.

"Mummy?" She asked, "I really want a daddy."

"Well darling, one day, I'll find you a daddy." I say, tilting her head back and pouring water over her hair.

"But I don't want just any daddy," she huffed, " I want my real daddy. The one you always tell me about."

"That's a little hard love, he might have a new family to take care of." I say, scrubbing shampoo into her blonde locks.

She pouted about it for the rest of the time I bathed her, dried her and put clean Pjs on her. Ever since she could talk she had asked about her Daddy and when he was coming home. It was tough for me to let her down like this all the time. Maybe that's why I haven't stared dating again, because Luna might be extremely upset if I brought a new man into her life.

I put her into bed and tucked her up, maybe her not having a father is a good thing? She doesn't pick a favourite parent but maybe having a dad would let her explore more interests, like if she wanted to play with dolls or with cars.

She's surrounded herself with little boys at school to somehow drown out the fact she's missing that male figure in her home life. But what was the chance it would be her half brother?

Maybe I would have to bring Dan back into our lives? It was no secret that I was still in love with him. The things holding me back were the fact he would have moved on by now, and the shame of it all. I walked out nearly 6 years ago, for a complete misunderstanding, I would be too ashamed to go back now.

I couldn't stand these thoughts anymore, so I hurried downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine. I flopped down in front of the sofa, kicking my feet up and putting on some girly movie to try and shake these thoughts from my head.

Surely Luna didn't need a father? I was a great parent! Right? I mean I give her everything she wanted and needed! She was a well behaved child so I did good in raising her. So why does she need a father after all these years? She's doesn't!

I mentally slapped myself for thinking about this again, turning my attention back onto the movie. With every sip of wine my head got more and more woozy, and I knew I had to stop. Luna may or may not be asleep and trying to take care of her while drunk was not the best idea.

But my slightly tipsy head went back to dwelling on my current situation.

Maybe Luna having a father would give her a better understanding of life, having two parental figures to guide her! Plus she would get to experience having another sibling for the first time in her life! But that all depends if the new guy has a child I suppose because no way was I going to meet up with Dan and mend things with him.

Or should i? Was I being irrational by deciding to keep Luna away from him forever? I mean it was his Sperm, and it's half his child so why shouldn't he know about her? Surely I'm going to hell for this? For many other reasons too but is this the main thing I'm going down for?

The sound of my phone making a notification sound pulled me out of my debating thoughts. And when I picked it up and read over It, my heart stopped and I almost dropped my whine glass. The notification was from Snapchat on, clearly on the screen, in readable letters, it said.

Daniel Howell is typing.....

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