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"Okay sweetie, time for bed." I shout to my five year old daughter who was aggressively scribbling on to a piece of paper on her bedroom floor.

"But mummy, I'm not finished my picture." She complained, somehow getting more assertive with her crayons.

"But Luna, don't you want to be fully rested for your first day at school tomorrow?" I kneeled down beside her.

An excited expression spread across her face at the mention of school. Quickly, she abandoned her drawings and went straight to her bed, that had black bedding and was covered in a pink throw over.

I walked over to the edge of the bed and happily tucked her under the thick duvet cover. Looking at her, you could tell she was half Dan.

Luna L/n, what a beautiful child I have. Her face was rounded like Dan's and she had both of his dimples that went deep into her cheeks when she smiled. She had also picked up Dan's hair texture because her blonde hair stayed in natural, loose waves. The blonde then contrasted with her big brown eyes that were filled with innocence, plus matching them with her posh and sophisticated accent made her the most adorable child in the world.

I stroked her face as she snuggled down into the sheets. A sweet smile scattered over my face from just looking at her.

"Mummy?" She whispered, "Will you tell me about my daddy again?"

This was a regular question that she asked me, since all of her friends from day care used to get picked up by their fathers, she always used to wonder where her dad was. And why was it just her and her mummy?

"Your father was a very adored man and he was loved by absolutely millions of people who admired the ground he walked on. Your father had to be brilliantly handsome because together we made a beautiful child like you. So handsome in fact that mummy had to fight off a few girls to get him." I smiled, poking her belly making her giggle, "I won his affection after months of being his bestest friend and I found out I was completely in love with him, he just didn't know it. Then mummy made a silly mistake, and left him forever."

"Why can't you go out and find my daddy? He sounds wonderful." My five year old yawned.

"If I ever see him again I will make sure to never let your daddy go." I promised, planting a kiss on her forehead, "Sweet dreams Luna."

"Goodnight mummy." She mumbled, cuddling into bed even more.


I placed the wrapped up sandwich into the pink lunch box that contained the rest of Luna's packed lunch. I happily zipped it up, and put it next to the door with my handbag and work file. Today I had a meeting with the CEO of Starbucks, straight after dropping Luna off for her first day and I was happily dancing around the kitchen in my blazer.

"I'm ready mummy." She jumped out from behind the kitchen Island, revealing the clothes she insisted she picked herself.

She was twirling around the kitchen in a black skater skirt and a white top that had been tucked in. Two black bows were attached to each of her curly pig tails. I picked her up and swung her around.

"You look beautiful sweetheart, now come on it's time to go." I put her down, tapping her back to gently push her towards the door.

As we were driving she had her school bag clutched excitedly to her chest, and a huge smile spread across her adorable face, making her dimples pop. She insisted we play her Disney CD as we drove along so she could show off to the children.

We arrived at the school and she excitedly unbuckled her seat belt. She was in more of a rush than I was, so I made sure I parked up extremely quickly so I could escort her to her class.

"Mummy, you're walking too slow!" She said pulling my arm, dragging towards the smiling lady at the door.

"Hello there and welcome to your first day at Nursery! I'm Miss Dotty, your new teacher. And what's your name?" The lady grinned at Luna

"My name is Luna L/n." She giggled excitedly.

The woman looked down at the list in her hand and smiled as she checked off her name, and looked back down at her.

"Okay Luna so what I want you to do, is go find the coat hanger with your name on and hag up your bag. Then there is a name tag on the seat you'll be sitting in for the rest of the year." The teacher smiled.

Luna jumped excitedly on the spot as the teacher turned away to talk to another child that had approached.

She hugged my legs with a huge smile and I bent down to pull her into a hug.

"Have a good day sweetie! I'll see you later on." I kissed her forehead, leaving a lipstick stain. I giggle at it and used my hand to wipe it way.

"I love you mummy!" She giggled, running into the crowded class room.

"I love you too princess." I chuckle to myself because the little girl had already disappeared into the bustling classroom.

I watched through the window as she sat down next to a little boy who she had already started to talk to. She was giggling happily along with him. His brown curly hair resembled hers and his cute rounded face smiled back at her.

"Is that your little girl?" A woman asked, standing next to me.

"Yeah, my little Luna, she was so excited to come here. Is that your son?" I ask, taking my eyes off the children to look at her.

She was most defiantly older than me, more of her late thirties than early ones. Her straight brown hair went to her shoulders, and her blue eyes were dazzling to look into.

"My god son, Winnie, his father was called to a meeting early this morning. But my son, Max, is in there somewhere." She chuckled, "I'm Katie by the way."

"Y/n," I nod, "I best get going, I won't set the best marketing pitch if I'm late."

"Bye Y/n." She waved as I turned around.

I waved back and made my way back to the car. Feeling rather excited to hear  the ramblings of my daughter, that would be waiting to spill as soon as she saw me.

SnapChat Memories!? (Dan Howell Fanfiction Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now