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I watched as the little boy sat happily on my sofa watching cartoons. Luna had been taken away to spend the day with Dan and I had been left with this curly headed cutie!

"Okay Winnie, sweetie, what would you like to do today?" I sit next to him, his happy eyes tore away from the TV.

"Do I get to choose?" He asked, he looked extremely excited.

"Yes, you can pick anything you want. What is the thing you want to do most in the whole wide world?" I ask.

"Hmmm, well I've always wanted to go to the zoo. Daddy has never taken me there before." He suggests, his voice high and giddy.

"Come on then Honey, go get your coat and we'll go visit the zoo!" I jumped up.

The excited little boy jumped off the the couch, landing on two feet and rushed out of the door to get his coat. And I felt extremely happy while in his presence.


Winnie watched the Tiger slowly crawl from under the tree. The orange and black lit up when the sun hit the cats fur. It's angry eyes crept up to the glass where Winnie was pressed against.

It's black nose sniffed the glass, it eyed the little boy that was presented in front of him and it's wide mouth opened a little.

The pink of its tongue moved across the glass quickly as it tried to mother the boy, wanting to groom his hair like he was his cub. Winnie giggled at the tame tiger, insisting that he goes in to stroke it.

We moved on to the Penguin enclosure, the artificial snow and coldness, made my spine shake when we stepped in.

"Y/n, I can't see the Penguins!" Winnie complained.

Without thinking I scooped the little boy up and placed him on my shoulders, his hands gripped mine tightly, as he watched the elegant birds swim around in the frosty water.


I pushed the door open as we tumbled through the door carrying the bags of merchandise I couldn't resist buying. Both me and Winnie wore matching tiger ears on our heads and he insisted we drew whiskers on our faces like his dad and uncle Phil.

Buying four times the amount of things, so everyone got one, wasn't a problem until it came to carrying it all. I placed the bags in the Living-room, pushing them off to one side.

" I've had a lot of fun Miss Y/n! I don't want to go home yet!" Winnie whined as I started to take off his shoes.

"Your Daddy and Luna aren't supposed to come back for a few hours yet, we have time to do something else!" I say, taking his arms out of his coat.

"Like what?" He asked curiously,

"Why don't we bake a cake?" I suggest and with that, his eyes lit up.

We washed our hands and put on some aprons and began to make the cake. We still had our whiskers and ears on, and Winnie was currently, messily, stirring up the cake mix.

"Miss Y/n, is this done yet?" He asked, leaning over the bowl,

I walk over and look at the smooth mixture that was perfectly whipped up. I send him a confused look.

"No, you've missed a little bit!" I say.

"Really? Where?" He asked, leaning over the bowl even more.

I scooped up a little on my finger and bopped a dollop on the end of his nose, I chuckled at the horrific expression that was plastered on his face.

"Right there!"

He began to giggle too, really hard. I watched as his small hand scooped up a little pile of flour, but my brain didn't click until it was too late. A white hand print was spread across my face and this made Winnie creased with amusement as he crippled over with laughter.

"You little bugger!" I playfully shriek as I pulled him off the counter, slinging him over my shoulder and twirling him around making him tremble with chuckles.

After two hours, we had a perfectly made cake, along with a terribly messy kitchen and two terribly floury people. I sprawled on the sofa with Winnie next to me, our days activities had clearly drained all of our energy.

I laid down on my back, putting my feet up on the sofa. After a few seconds I felt two hands crawl up on my chest and a set of curls snuggled into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around the child protectively, pulling him closer into a sleepy cuddle.

"Goodnight Mummy." Winnie whispered.

My heart skipped a beat, a looked down lovingly at the half asleep little boy and I smiled warmly.

"Goodnight, Sweetie." I whisper and planted a soft kiss on the top of his head.

SnapChat Memories!? (Dan Howell Fanfiction Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now