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2 Months After Break up

I waited patiently and nervously at the back of the crowded London coffee shop. I gripped my handbag tightly, i couldn't risk losing the precious piece that was in there. The crowd had a sluggish atmosphere radiating off it, and I knew it was because it was 8am in the morning.

Butterflies filled my stomach as the tall, black haired sleepy man walked through the door. It was weird that i felt warm and happy as soon as i set my eyes on this little ball of sunshine. But my belly started to do flips when i remembered what i had actually called him here for.

He spotted me, and his blue eyes lit up even more than normal as he quickly walked across the room. I stood up, happily jumping into his warm embrace. 2 months without Phil Lester is a long time, i don't know how i coped without him in my life before i even knew him.

I pulled back, a huge grin was spread over my clearly worn out features. I pointed at the empty seat opposite to me, causing him to take the seat gratefully. Gently, i pushed the hot coffee I bought him when i first arrived, he didn't keep me waiting so it was still warm.

"It's so good to see you Y/n. Ever since that night, I've been meaning to speak to you and tell you, what actually happened was blown totally out of proportion." Phil said softly and slowly.

"It's been a while Phil. But please before you start to talk, i need to get something off my chest, and i have a feeling you'll want to know. It's quite urgent." I said, reaching to hold Phil's hand before he starts to babble.

"Yes, I'm sorry." He apologized, "Go ahead."

I nodded, reaching into my handbag. My fingers found the cold plastic, and i wrapped my hand around it, pulling it into sight. Hesitantly, i placed the plastic on the table and slid it towards him, and my heart jumped into my mouth.

I watched his eyes scan the stick intensely, analyzing what it was. Once his head slowly rose in realization, that's when my cheeks began to burn.

"This pregnancy test is yours?" He questioned i nodded, "It's positive."

I nodded, his tone of voice was soft with shock.

"You're pregnant with, who i'm assuming, is Dan's baby?" He said, eyes wide.

"Yes Phil, but I'm not sure how it happened. I have a bad feeling that the protection we used was faulty and had ripped." I reply, rather sadly.

"You know, i was going to say that Dan would be happy about this, but I'm not sure his new girlfriend will be too thrilled about it." Phil replied, still staring at the pregnancy test on the table.

My mouth dropped open, Dan had already got a new girlfriend so soon. Tears pricked my eyes. I knew that i was the one who walked out on him, but this emotional scar hasn't made me love him any less. The thought of another girl with him made me sick.

"I'm guessing that she was the other woman." I say, playing with my fingers under the table, not wanting to look at Phil with my tear full eyes.

"No Y/n, i need to explain everything." Phil said, now that it was finally his turn to speak, "When you walked out that night i was pretty disappointed with Dan, i never thought he would do such a thing to a woman. And Y/n i was right, i answered the door to the mystery woman and she wasn't who you thought she was."

"Phil please, i don-" I began but Phil interrupted me.

"No you're going to listen." He frowned, "She worked for a jewelry shop. Dan had ordered you a promise ring Y/n."

His words hit me like a tonne of bricks. This wasn't possible, he was talking about her bringing around protection. Talking about a ring with protection, really?

"That look is a doubtful one, but trust me. He even payed extra for an extra protecting box." Phil continued to back his friend up.

"I feel like a twat," The tears actually fell this time, "Why am i such a fool Phil?"

Phil got straight out of his seat to slide in next to me and wrap his long arms around me comfortingly. I turned to sob into his chest about my mistakes.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Dan will come around when he finds out about your little bun in the oven." Phil rubbed my back, soothingly.

I shot my head up and pulled away from him. True horror spread across my face,

"Phil you can't tell Dan about the baby!" I shout whisper, "Not now that he's moved on, not now that he's happy."

"It's his child." Phil argued back, but no way was he going to win.

"Dan finally has a chance to be happy with his new girlfriend. Please Phil, you have to promise you won't tell him! Especially since he is just so young and he has a full internet reputation to fulfill and Oh God-" My breathing began to get heavy as i panicked about Dan.

If he found out i was pregnant it would destroy him, his relationship, his career. I don't want to be known as the crazy ex who destroyed his life and happiness.

"Okay, okay. I won't tell Dan," He latched back onto me and rubbed my back, "But please promise me one thing."

I nodded frantically, my breath slowing down from the mini brain overload I just experienced.

"You keep the baby, and you raise it to be the best child there ever will be. I know you'll be a great mother so please don't let the fact that it's half Dan make you resent it. Promise me Y/n that if in 10 years time Dan finally knows about it you won't stop him seeing his son or daughter. Lastly, i need you to promise you won't make her hate her only father." He stroked the top of my head as i leaned into his chest comfortingly and listened carefully.

"Phillip Micheal Lester, I promise with all my heart." I whisper, pulling him into an even tighter hug.

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