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I woke up the next morning to the sun blasting through my bedroom curtains. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time, 7:15am, time to get Luna up for school. I groaned and climbed out of my warm sheets and wrapped my dressing gown around me.

I scratched my head as I stumbled out of my bedroom and into the little princess's bedroom that was submerged in darkness because of her curtains.

"Luna sweetheart, wake up." I call as I pull back the material, letting the light enter into the room.

She groaned in such away that sounded like pain, my eyebrows knotted together and I made my way over to my five year old, who was trying to hide.

"Please mummy, turn off the sun, my head hurts." Her voice sounded woozy along with being muffled because of the duvet.

"What's the matter baby?" I say, pulling the cover down to reveal her face.

It was extremely pink, her cheeks were a bright shade of red. Her eyes were droopy and lifeless, while her whole body was shivering. She sniffled and tried to pull up the bedding.

"Im too cold." She complained.

I pressed my hand to her forehead and she was on fire, even though the chattering of her teeth gave away that she felt different. My child was poorly, and it was my duty to stay home and nurse her.

"You get some rest sweetheart," I soothe stroking her hair, "school is cancelled for today."

She nodded, and turned over snuggling down into her bed. I exited the room and grabbed my phone, but before I had time to get the schools number up, the device already started to buzz with a call from a number I didn't recognise.

"Hello?" I say suspiciously as I answer the phone.

"Y/n, hello." Phil happy voice rang through the speaker, "what time are you bringing Luna to school? I really need to talk to you."

"Sorry Phil, Luna is sick. She won't be attending school today." I say.

"Well text me your address because I'm coming over, this is too important." Phil urged, the noise in the background sounded like he was in his car.

"Okay sure Phil, I'll text you my address." I agree with him, not excited to hear what he has to say at all.

"Ill be over as soon as I've dropped Max off at school. And I'll pass on the message of Luna being poorly." Phil said cheerfully, "I'll see you very soon."

"Thank you Phil, see you later." I then hung up the phone.

While Luna laid to rest in her fluffy blankets, I got myself organised. I had a quick shower and threw some comfy clothes on, I dried and tied up my hair, then as soon as Luna woke up I fed her some medicine. It wasn't until she was going back to her dreams, that Phil arrived.

I swung the door open to reveal the giant holding two cups of coffee and bowl of something. I stepped aside and let him into my house.

"Coffee for you," he handed me a cup, then the little bowl, "Soup for little Luna."

"Thank you Phil, I'll give her that when she wakes up. Now please make yourself at home." I point towards the living room.

He happily strides in and takes a seat on one of my sofas, I follow him and sit down next to him. His face was happy so I was assuming the important thing wasn't that bad.

"Where's Luna?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"She's upstairs resting." I say, sipping on my coffee.

"Bless her." Phil said.

I was getting rather sick of the small talk. I was more interested in what was so urgent, and why he needed to talk to me so quickly,

"Phil, just tell me why you're here." I raise my brows at the completely innocent looking man.

"Okay, okay." He breathed, "I was wondering if you're ever going to meet back up with Dan, and if you do, are you going to introduce him to Luna?"

I sighed, I had a feeling this was coming.

"I've come to the conclusion that since Winnie and Luna go to the same school, and we live in the same area, I won't be able to avoid him forever. So I know I'll accidentally bump into him again at some point, and I'm excepting of that, I just refuse to organise to see him again." I reply honestly, Phil listened intensely.

"What about Luna? Are you ever going to tell him?" Phil questioned, finally having me in the right state of mind, after all this time, where I will just spill every thought in my head.

"Maybe not straight away, it'll be too much of a shock." I stared off, thinking hard, "It'll break his heart to know he's had a daughter for 5 years and not known. I can't do that to him...not again."

"Y/n, Dan is a great father. Maybe if you just spend 10 minutes with him, after 5 years, you'll realise how much you miss him." Phil said softly, his persuasive words being embedded in my brain.

"I already know how much I miss him Phil. I miss him so Fucking much." My voice began to crack, "Maybe I'll cross his path one of these days and I'll see how happy he is. See how much our break up has changed him for the better. He's happy."

"And maybe Y/n, you'll see how much he misses you too. You were his world, ever since you accepted that friend request on Snapchat, you're the only thing that has been on his mind." Phil sighed standing up, " Sorry to leave so soon, but I'll leave you with your thoughts. But really take in what I said, Dan completely adored you, feelings like that never disappear."

"Phil Lester, after all these years, you're still the bestest friend I could ever have." The emotions started to drip from my eyes.

"See you later," he smiled and disappeared out of the door.

Our conversation left my head full of regrets, and I couldn't resist the urge I had, so I unlocked my phone and pressed download on the uninstalled Snapchat App.

SnapChat Memories!? (Dan Howell Fanfiction Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя