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It was around 4pm when I had arrived home that afternoon. The meeting had dragged on for a while and strong coffee's later, I was leaving still a little dazed from all the new information I was given.

I parked my car up in front of my head and got out straight away, locking the doors behind me. The sun was starting to hide behind a few clouds as I made my way up the path to my front door.

As soon as my foot reached the step in front, the door was swung open and two bodies flew at me in an engulfing hug. With the weight, I stumbled back a little bit, clinging onto the two bodies that had welcomed me back home. The giggling in my ear was a sign that my two children were happy to see me back.

"Hello, babies." I pull back, stroking Winnie's hair, "How was your day, guys?"

"Brilliant!" Luna beamed, her smile reaching from ear to ear.

"How good can school get?" Winnie asked, smiling back at me.

As old as my children were, they were still very loving towards Dan and I . Teenagers usually distance themselves from parents when they get to a certain age. But the relationship that Dan and I have built with the children were trusting and affectionate.

Winnie and Luna both turned on their heels and headed back into the house. I followed them inside, towards the kitchen where voices were laughing from inside. Calmly, I entered the room and for the second time today I was in an environment that smelt like strong coffee.

My husband was stood at one side of the breakfast bar, a cup of what looked like tea in his hand. He was dressed now, in a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. On the other side, positioned on the bar stool, was Phil Lester, holding a cup of coffee.

"Phil!" I greeted, "How are you?"

As I said this, I made my way round to Dan's side. Where I planted a quick kiss on his cheek, after not seeing him all day. 

"I'm great, thank you." Phil replied.

Next to Phil, stood tall and ginger, was his son max. He was the same age as Winnie and Luna, in the same school and in the same class.

"Good day at work, Mrs Howell?" Max greeted, smiling at me.

"Pretty boring meeting, advert organization and all that sort of thing." I shrugged, "Good day at school?"

"Spectacular!" He simply replied.

I nodded in approval as I began to pour myself a cup of coffee from the pot. Dan continued his conversation with Phil over my shoulder. Winnie had come in and beckoned Winnie into his room away from the adults.I sipped on my coffee as I listened to the conversation between the two friends. They were talking about Katie, Phil's wife.

"How is Katie?" I asked finally, making the boys eyes land on me, "What's she been up to?"

"She's fine, nothing interesting has happened recently." Phil answered.

I nodded, Katie was the only other mum that I really talked too. Phil and Katie were also really close to the family, we took holidays together, family days out as a joint day out and we even went on double dates with them. They were as close as family.

"She will be finishing work soon, so we probably should be going." Phil informed us, drinking the last bit of coffee in his mug, "Thank you for the coffee."

"Thank you for collecting my children." Dan replied, a hint of a joke in his voice.

Phil smiled and bellowed for Max to come down. With three pairs of feet, bounding down the stairs, it was apparent that the whole party was coming to see him off.

"Did you call, dad?" Max asked, as he entered the kitchen. Along with two other curly heads.

"Yes, we need to get home for mum." Phil told him.

Max immediately nodded and made his way over to the counter and grabbed his coat and phone from the side. He then met his dad at the door and turned back to his friends.

"I'll see you later, Winnie." He waved goodbye, "Luna."

"See you tomorrow, Dude." Winnie said casually, lifting a hand up to his friend.

"Bye, Maxy!" Luna dragged it out, giggling slightly.

Her cheeks were slightly blushed and her tone was full of flirty tones. Dan and I exchanged a look, our faces both showed a mixture of confusion yet amusement from our daughters actions. Phil seemed oblivious to anything that was going on and Max and Winnie seemed unphased.

"See you later, guys." Phil said his final goodbyes and headed out of the kitchen and out of the house.

They had left the Howell family in silence, in the kitchen. Luna watched them longingly out of the door and her tance didn't even break when the front door closed behind them loudly. Winnie seemed ocupied in looking at his phone while Luna seemed to daydream.

"Okay, you two, don't you have homework to do?" I asked them, breaking Luna out of her trance.

"Well woman, don't you have a dinner to cook?" Winnie replied, sassily, looking up from his phone.

I let out a fake, sarcastic laugh.

"Go to your room." I replied in a playfully serious voice.

Winnie turned on his heel and left the kitchen, rolling his eyes at his equally sarcastic mother. Luna however looked at her parents with a look of admiration, then back to the kitchen door and quickly turned and scurried out of the kitchen.

I then turned to Dan as soon as our kitchen was empty and wrapped my hands around his waist, pressing my chest to the top of the stomach.

"I think our daughter has a crush." I inform him, in a soft voice.

"And I think our daughter isn't allowed a boyfriend till she's 40." Dan replied, unamused at the thought.

"And I think our family, is full of sarcastic Assholes." I smile at him, too wide to be serious.

He leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Well honey, that's what happens when we mix our genes." He grinned back, placing another kiss on the top of my forehead.

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