Chapter 1 Part 3

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Chapter 1 Part 3

The  group who came with the woman also thought the same thing as she glued herself to the new man. Of course the new guy was a better catch then the other, or why else would she immediately convert?...

Although the the new guy was reacting to her coquettish approach...

The identity of the new guy could be said, compared to them; his status and wealth was a dream in the night....

The man was Zhou Yu, a business man who over the years with success climbed the social ladder and business world.

He was so successful with his business in R city that he started other successful branch business in other cities.

But still even if he was bawling money...

Isn't she just too shameless quickly changing players in front of them!!!!

In the end what else could they do but watch in the sidelines, as that woman continuously shed her layers of skin, becoming more and more shameless destroying their three views.

The man on the right briefly glanced at Zhou Yu but then turned his eyesight towards the person on his left.

Lou Ming could tell the glance was of pure mockery and provocation. Ah...but he honestly didn't care... He felt really uncomfortable and just wanted to go home.

The man named Zhou Yu,  whispered something to the women's ears making the woman's face turn a shade of red.

The two people then got up and left. What happened later between the two can be made using your imagination.

Lou Ming once again mentally sighed, he knew why the other was doing this.

Since 8 years ago his 'good' friend had sought out ways to 'ruin' his life. Well he couldn't blame him.

That night he was drunk and slept with  Zhou Yu 's girlfriend.

Although Zhou Yu had never been in a relationship before until he met her,  he really loved the girl. Lou Ming knew that his best friend really liked her and was serious about her but after a night of drinking too much he slept with her.

When he woke up with the Zhou Yu's girlfriend sleeping beside him and his friend standing in front of him looking at them emotionlessly he knew he screwed up badly.

Although at that time Zhou Yu looked emotionless, Lou Ming knew deep in his eyes there was anger, hate, betrayal, disappointment. Since then their friendship changed, it was never the same again.

Feeling guilty and remorseful Lou Ming took the blame and took whatever Zhou Yu threw at him. Even if Lou Ming had tried to retaliate he wouldn't be of any resistance to Zhou Yu.

Although Zhou Yu could have easily destroy Lou Ming at any moment, Zhou Yu choose not to. As long as Lou Ming could remember, Zhou Yu never reacted upon his anger, and he knew why. Zhou Yu was a orphan, even when his gender as an alpha became apparent, he had no status nor wealth so at a young age he would take anything thrown at him.

The reason why, was that Lou Ming thought Zhou Yu was just a level headed guy, turns out he was wrong. Later after 'that' event, his friend disappeared and came back 5 years later rich and successful.

And of course with pressure that dominated the other alphas, beta and omegas. In a way that could be his revenge to everyone...

Although Zhou Yu was around the top 30-20 most influential business person in Z city. His home-base was R city. In R city his company was always ranked number one since it was the place it originated from. Little by little his company rooted itself in other cities gradually climbing it's way to the top 30s, sometimes even by sucking the other companies dry.

It's not like Lou Ming could do anything at all, yes he was rich but his wealth didn't compare to Zhou Yu's.

Sipping the last bit of wine, he got up and was about to leave when his uncle appeared.

Lou Ming sighed couldn't his uncle not show up after ditching him to face his ex-best friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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