Chapter 1 Part 2

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Chapter 1 Part 2

Unbeknownst to the gossip and a certain shadow stalking him the man name Lou Ming continue to mind his own business going into the bar.

Sitting on a seat he looked at the time. It was 8:30 and he was right on time. Lou Ming was waiting at a place scheduled by a relative. Although the other person wasn't here yet, waiting a few minutes wasn't a problem.

The only problem was the person who he was waiting for. His uncle from his fathers side. A really troublesome man he suppose, honestly he really didn't want to deal with him. After his father died.... Well even before that he'd always sought to make troubles for him (and his father, originally his father) and it was always annoying. Why a bar? What's he planning this time?

He didn't want to be here, but if there was a choice of course he'd choose not to be here. Ahh- he was careless. Shouldn't his uncle have reserved a private room? He asked but it seems he didn't.

Thinking to himself the group from before came into the bar while taking glances at him as the asked for a more private room for themselves.

Although the group didn't realize it, since they were busy staring at the man and talking about him. But one of the more pretty ladies (AKA the female omega from before) in the group got up and headed her ways towards him.

As she walked to him he noticed her and they made eye contact, this was her queue she thought. With that she took the chance and casually sat down right beside him.

Her fellow group were shocked. They knew she was "loose" and fancied rich handsome man but they didn't think she'd have the courage to approach him just like that. Not only that but they did warn her about him before but it seems she didn't take heed of their warning or she probably didn't care.

The Female omega couldn't help it. His pheromones naturally attracted her, she also knew what the other guys said from before was baseless rumors, who knows if it was actually real. And he was such a good catch. Never mind a good suitor, a one night stand could be fine.

On the other hand Lou Ming was more or less was feeling disturbed, like, why did this stranger come and just sit beside him randomly? Do they know what personal space means? Although this was not the first time a random person came up to him he still felt a little weird and out of nowhere and decided they could just flirt and molest him.

At this moment he was thinking of rejecting the lady.

Originally he was here waiting for his uncle but it seems the latter disappeared since it's been like 30 freaking minutes!!!!Is he taking a dump?! At time like these he'd rather be in the company of his uncle.

Now an aggressive lady who's constantly rubbing herself to him is waiting to take him home, chop him up, and eat him!

Fuck, if he knew he'd be ditched he'd rather stay home and enjoy his peace and quiet or do some work! And he was so worried what would come from his uncles scheming, it would be wiser just to stay home, but what if this omega lady approaching him apart of his uncles plot, it's very plausible since this wouldn't be the first time.

"Well if it isn't Lou Ming."

Hearing the sound of a familiar low sinister voice he didn't know if he should feel scared or grateful.

Mentally sighing he looked at the drink in his hand.

Looking back at the two people flirting with each other he smiled wryly and mentally rolled his eyes.

The man on the right was his childhood friend, Zhou Yu. And on the left was the person who was momentarily flirting with him a while ago. How did she get to him so fast?! I don't even remember how she even got there....What kind of super power does she have..?

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