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It was beautiful, the astray of colours it created, how things are pieced together, so cleverly and cute. The stars, planets, the moons, every inch was beautiful she thought. It wasn't perfect but she thought it was, and finally for it once again she will come back and see it.

In a dark room the figure of a woman fell on the ground as she collapsed on her knees. Her eyes swirled as it looked of into space they looked calm and relaxed.

But her hands were clenched and she was shaking with anger.

No, not like this. Why did they, why....that.... Why, they-they to each other such horrid things .....and disgusting atrocities they do to the earth and to the other species. Yes she knew they ate, but such things to that extent being so wasteful..... And not only that.....

But to each other... Most of all how they treated 'omegas'. It was absolutely disgusting, out of the 48 worlds that host these life forms not even 1 treated 'omegas' (or what they labeled them as) with, dare could she say any respect?

She wanted to puke. It was disgusting and disappointing. The humans she made... Was simply just horrid. When she woke up she wanted to see how they were. How they were fairing... It was terrible. 28 worlds were already destroyed due to war and technological innovation in warfare. The humans that had made it this far that still continue to inhabit the universe continue to waste its recourses and ruin the planet day by day. Of course that was of no problem since she can always 'clean' the air and sea... But the way they treat some other life forms was atrocious, sure they eat, but most just simply kill till intinction...

But life of the omegas, their own, their kind, their species. She felt nauseous even thinking about it. They were treated lesser then animals on occasions.

As the goddess sat; the figures of humanity in the past lead to the future. It began to morph and change with every action leading up to the present.

It was terrible, the omegas were basically down to a 4-5% of the human population at best. They were rare in the beginning with 10-15% of the human population which were diverse already in their kind. It was all due to their poor treatments, most omegas in all the remaining worlds with human inhabitants throughout history has gone through slavery and abuse of some kind.
A common practise that history had put them through was prostitution.

Omegas even ended their own lives due to the treatments that were inflicted on to them. The reason why they were treated so bad? They were thought of as lowly, inferior, troublesome, useless, disgusting, broken, lowly-being and things to be fucked senseless, they used the heats of an omegas as an excuse to justify that they themselves had sinned.

The heats had a simple solution to it, their was a reason for some of the plants she made... And they didn't use it! In one of the worlds some king even ordered the burning of 'these types of plant' because he said they were the demonic and unholy plants. For gods sakes they helped prevent the heats!

For every creation there is a flaw and the heats were flaws for the omegas fertility.

What a poor excuse, they didn't even let these omegas have a chance.

It was disgusting.

Clenching and pulling her hair the goddess screamed. She refused to believe this. They, the children she had made, created, had ended up like this....


Behind her was the gloweing hazy figure of her brother. Though they could have physical forms, some of her siblings choose to rather stay in their soul forms. Of course they also didn't have genders but they could choose too. She chose a female form and pronouns while her brother chose a spirit form while using male pronouns.

"So, I see..." You looked at what they've become? Was left unsaid.

He looked at her pitiful figure. He could understand, in the beginning before her long sleep she had invested a lot of time and effort on these humans. But she couldn't enjoy them for long as she spent to much of her powers and took a long nap to replenish her energy. They did warn her that making 2 or 3  worlds was fine but she made 48... Trying to beat their eldest sibling who made 37 worlds.

He himself did not make any worlds because he knew he might get to attached one day...

"Where....did I go....wrong...?"

Looking at her tearful sobbing face. He didn't know what to say.

"It's not your fault, they're just humans.... In the end they'll all become like that...."In the end they'll all die out so it won't matter ...


"Sister... They're just humans. The worlds that ÆM, Ëann, Qœn and Jurv had created also ended up like yours. Even though they did not have omegas and such, some of the races they created such as elves, beastmans, dwarfs, Goblins and orcs were treated unjustly... No matter what, they just find a reason to treat the other species and race terrible... Some of the females in general no matter the worlds were treated as lesser beings because they were seen as weak..." Said Dīxx " Even our eldest sibling had at some point gave up on some of his worlds...."

"B-but I-I can't leave it like this..." Thinking about how her omegas were treated made her blood boil."I-I want someone to pay..."

Dīxx sighed his sister was a rash woman and he knew what that meant.... All hell will break lose....

"T-that's right....And the population....what to balance...." She mumbled to her self lost in thoughts." To balance.... If not.... Hmm.....but the way they were treated...."

"Sister please remember some changes are okay but you can't get too involved it's against the rules of the worlds....."

"I've got it...." Her eyes shined in what could be a questionable glee. " I'm going to turn them into omegas!"


And thus in a snap of a hand she disappeared of to the human world. Leaving Dīxx to comprehend what he just heard.

Fables of turnsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin