Chapter 1 part 1

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Chapter 1 part 1

In the dark of the night a limousine carefully parked itself in a parking lot.

"Come on, let's go to the most high class and expensive bars in M city, My treat ."

"Hong Li today we will toast to your birthday."

"Hahahaha then we must drink a lot then, right Ping Lin?"

Out side a fancy building a group of guys and girls were loudly talking as they made their way out of the black limousine and towards the building.

The vibe about the small group was considered arrogant and haughty. They  wore expensive brands making it evident that they had a lot of money but by their attitude it was probably their parents money and they were just rich second generation philandering their (parents) wealth around.

As they all headed towards the building. One of them noticed someone coming out of another black car.

"Hey isn't that Lou Ming?"


"What, It is him!!" How could they not know who Lou Ming was? he was one of the youngest and richest millionaires in Z city. Not only that but after his father died he inherited a large agency that produced many fine stars and talents! Compared to him the group of rich second generations was simply nothing, ah! He was the real deal.

His looks were also of a very high degree. He looked really kind and gentle, his eyes were droopy which also somewhat gives of a player vibe to it. His foreign looks that he inherited from his mother mixed with his fathers was simply exotic and attractive. And his gorgeous smile was simply sexy and inviting, tempting everyone in sight.

Together with his influence in the entertainment industry, his good looks, structured physic,  alpha rank, and wealth he was a sought after bachelor. Many alphas, betas and omegas couldn't help but wanting to hug his thighs.

"Hehehe, plus his reputation is not all that bad. There are some  scandals... But if you weight out the option it's definitely not that bad, actually it's quite good." Said the only female omega in the group.

Hearing this the Hong Li, the person who was originally the reason they came to the bar for, couldn't help but began to frown.

His aim for today had originally been the female omega, but if she were to aim for a high stat guy like Lou Ming how could he compete? Sensing Hong Li's change in mood his best friend beside him, Ping Lin, tried to help.

"Ehh...? Hmm, he doesn't seem that great." said Ping Lin as he nudged the person beside him

"But did you know....7 years ago." the person in the group began to whisper." He raped and took a poor omega from his mate?"

Adding fuel to the fire of gossip. Another one decided to chide in. " Yeah I heard he killed the alpha and made it look like an accident."

"The guy was his best friend too." One of them shook his head in disapproval.

Honestly the people in the group who started to gossip about this, did somewhat feel uncomfortable since the person whom they were talking about was in their line of sight just a few moment ago.

Not only that but he had influence... So while they talked they made sure they kept their voice down. Since he was already in the building it was fine right?

The people who were in on this in the group did feel guilty but the rumour wasn't an exact lie, the killing part maybe. But honestly they weren't sure since it was old rumours dated back 7 years ago, but still after so long what rumour hasn't been spoken with a little difference?

"I also also heard he has a harem of omegas in a mansion on a island not to far away from  the Murk port of G city..." Now that was a total lie.

"But isn't that illegal now, in these time and age?"

It was illegal to traffic omegas, it wasn't around 60-70 years ago but now that the population of omegas have fallen to a mere 3 % of the total population, the government had to do something about it giving omegas more rights in the process. And since time and understanding has also change, they realized the right and the wrongs in history and tried to fix it.

"Ehhhhh~ scary~" cried the female omega as she leaped into Hong li's arms.The alpha smirked that was just what he wanted. "Don't worry, hehe, omegas should be protected, especially a pretty one like you."


In the shadows a red eyed, brown hair woman heard their whole conversation. Leaning back on a wall her eyes never left the group of people.

It was a random place she popped up in, and at a random moment she overheard the conversation of the group. But she knew...

"Hmm~Lou Ming Huh?"

Clenching her hands she decided that he was going to be the first person. But right now wasn't the time, transforming into a mist like fog she leaped into the shadow and passing the flamboyant group as it followed and stalked the man named Lou Ming.

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