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"Hello, team!"  Greg emerged from the shadows, a twisted grin on his face.

"All warmed up?" He asked.

"That wasn't even five whole minutes!" Dana protested.

"You know what they say," Greg replied with a sick smirk. "Time flies when you're having fun."

"I want to go home!" Jade wailed." Let me go!"

"Take it easy." Greg folded his arms.
"Whining will her you nowhere. "

Jade sobbed ,her chin quivering.

Chloe understood how she felt. She wanted to burst into tears too . She wanted to run to Reece but she couldn't lose control. Chloe remembered his words.

Never lose your nerves in danger. There is ALWAYS a way out.

Yes! She thought. There's always a way out and she will find it! She had to stay calm.

She was the leader.
If she lost it, everyone would.

"You know,"  Jade said breaking the silence," when you were talking about Beatrice, it reminded me of my sister. She was a cheerleader too."

"Hip-hip-hooray," Greg said sarcastically. " What happened? She didn't make it on to your squad?"

"She died last year," Jade replied ,her voice cracking with emotion. "She was a really good person. She was nice to people. And she was friends with everybody. Is that the way Beatrice was?"

Chloe held her breath as Greg paused. He seemed surprised by the question.

"Yeah,that was Betty.," He admitted after a moment. " She had time for everyone."

"I really miss my sister," Jade said. " I think about her everyday. Cheer leading was her whole life. And she was really good at it."

Greg stared down at the floor.

Jade's getting to him,Chloe realized.

"I didn't know Beatrice," Jade went on." But if she were here, I bet she'd laugh. She'd think you brought us here as a joke."

Greg glanced up at Jade.
"As a joke"

Jade nodded. "And she'd let us go. And later we'd all have a good laugh together. "

Chloe held her breath,waiting. . .

"Do you want to see a picture of my sister?"
Jade touched the heart shaped locket around her neck.

Greg's eyes seemed to soften. "Could I?" He asked softly.

Jade nodded and held the chain away from her neck.

Greg gently touched the locket with his fingers.

Then he clutched it in his palm.

Jade screamed as he tore it off her neck.

"Did you really think I'd fall for your act?" Greg asked. "That I'd feel sorry for you because your sister died?"

Jade frowned." It's not an act! It's—"

"A way to trick me into letting you go?" Greg roared." I'm not stupid,Jade. This isn't a joke. And you're going to stick in my plan! My orders! My agenda!"

Chloe felt drained. She'd thought Jade was getting through to Greg. Now he seemed more dangerous than ever.

"Okay, girls." He waved his hand with a flourish and grabbed a rusty meat hook.

"It's show time!"


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