Chapter 1 (part 1)

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This chapter is dedicated to "Anonymousprincesz96" because her lovely words touched my heart :) .


¤ Chloe Armel ¤

Dear cupid's assistant,

I'm following up a girl of my locality from the last three months. But i don't have the courage to have a direct talk with her.She sits in front of me in the class and i always say hi to her.I think she's the one .Should i approach her?.

Lost boy.

Sweet sweet love,i smiled.

Dear Lost boy,

What you need to do is get a common friend to introduce you.If you don't have one,the next time you run into her,simply greet her with a smile. Keep doing that until one day you get the opportunity to have a conversation with her. Remember,If you didn't find the courage to speak to her,someone else will.



I scrolled down and answered five of the eighty messages .From the last one hour i was answering them.I leaned back in my chair feeling beads of sweat on my forehead.I glared at the fan.

What the hell was wrong with that stupid fan today!

I shook my head,cursing it for the last time and glanced at my wrist watch.

My irritation vanished into thin air when i saw the time.

Crap! I was getting late.

It was time.

I got up from the chair and yawned like a troll.

God,it felt so good to yawn like that and stretch my limbs.

The screen of my laptop was blinking at me.A smiling Reece was plastered on the the screen of my laptop.

Smiling,my eyes darted left and right like a thief and quickly kissed the screen and logged off. Love makes you do crazy stuff,I swear.

The nerd inside me just couldn't resist his handsome face,i grinned.

I walked into my wardrobe to select what to wear .Finally i decided to go with skinny jeans and purple top with cute little flowers on it.I grabbed my wedges and stood in front of the mirror.

Should i wear them?

Or should i give a chance to my Jimmy choos?

I frowned.

Let the fate decide,I placed my stilettos with my Jimmy choose .Both of them looked pretty enough to go out with my outfit.

"A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H.......X,Y,Z.",and wedges won.

I quickly wore them,feeling the sleek material and then planted myself in front of the mirror again.

Hmmmm,coming to hair now.

Should i wear them down or set it up into a pony tail?

He likes it down,a sly voice said at the back of my head.

I watched the girl in the mirror turning red .She was looking so. .full of life .So beautiful. I looked beautiful!

Guess will brush them later after i'm done with the make up.

I applied a little mascara and a nude shade of lip gloss .There was no need to go overboard .

"Why do girls take decades in getting ready?",a bored voice asked.

Slowly,i turned around towards my bedroom window,grabbing a bracelet out of my jewelry box .It had tiny silver stars attached to it.

"Come and help me then,jerk." ,I said while clasping the bracelet around my wrist and openly checking him out.

His hair was as always untamed and falling over his eyes giving him a bad boy look .Only he  could pull that look and still look sexy,i thought.

Reece chuckled and gave me an exaggerated bow,"Okay, princess."

He swung from the branches and swiftly jumped into my room with no effort at all.

He was wearing a white T-shirt beneath a black leather jacket and jeans which were simply perfect on him.

Too perfect,if you ask me.

"You can eye ball me later." He commented,making me blush.

Did I stop staring ? Nope.

I was watching him silently. He closed the distance between us in two long strides .I peeked at him through my lashes. He had cocked his head to a side and his green eyes were having a tender look only for me.

Only for me. .

"Say something." I whispered,feeling nervous all of sudden.

He smiled down at me ,"Do i have  to?"

I nodded at his chest.

Stupid blush,go away!

"Okay then .Hello, beautiful.I'm Reece." His voice was soft with a pinch of tenderness.

I felt his long finger under my chin,he lifted my face up gently,"Your turn."

I tried my best not to squirm or break the eye contact beneath his hard gaze.It was like i was burning.

"Hello ." I croaked.

Yes,that's right.


He smiled again and placed his hands on my shoulders,his eye lashes casting dark shadows on his face. .

Something about the extremely small distance between us was making me nervous .Very very nervous.

He leaned down and his lips touched my forehead,i closed my eyes wanting to savour that moment.

It's absolutely magical to feel the kiss of the person ,you love more than yourself,on your forehead.

Would i ever get enough of Reece Carter?

It was scary,the feelings i had for him. They had surrounded my heart from each side .I would feel them squeezing my heart when Reece wasn't around .It was. . .scary. And overwhelming.

He leaned back and i opened my eyes.His eyes were melting,smouldering. .swirling at once.

Was that even possible,i wondered.

He looked amused now. Probably thinking why was i gawking at him like an idiot without blinking.

He blew a breath softly,forcing me to blink.

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