(part 2)

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I never wanted to let go.

"Chloe?." He sounded like he was fighting not to sound too desperate."Please talk to me.I can't stand it."

"Reece." I whispered against his neck.He stiffened slightly at the sound of my voice but his hand went to my hair ,stroking soothingly.


"I c-came.." I drew in a shaky breath and then with the last shred of strength i had in ,i plastered a fake smile on my face."Nothing."

His brows furrowed.

I wouldn't drag Reece in the middle of a girly catfight.I would never allow this.

I finally met his eyes and the expression in them was worse.It was hurt,confused,worried.


"I came to tell you that...i..i was missing you." I said in a low voice .

He took a step back and i felt like my heart twisted in my chest making it hard for me to breath.He folded his hands across his chest.


Didn't he hear what i say?

He bent down his eyes searching mine.I closed my eyes unable to stand the intensity of those green orbs.

"You're crying because you miss me?" He asked in an are-you-kidding-me voice.

There was a moment of silence.

I could hear his breathing,felt his body shift a little closer to mine as if he too couldn't stand the one feet distance between us.

I glanced up at him .The intense emotion in his eyes made me shiver .It was like he was daring me to lie to his face.

My gaze dropped to his chest and i nodded feebley.

"You should go." He said in a hard voice.

I quickly looked up at him.His lips were pursed and his brows were connected ."Wha-"

He cut me off."I said You.Should.Go." He said slowly like he thought i was mentally retarded.

Why did i feel like he stabbed my heart and now he was twisting the knife round and round?

I think i lost my abiility to speak because i tried to talk or protest but nothing came out.

He cursed and then ran his hand in his hair."Look," He fisted his hands at his side." I can take anything you throw at me,Chloe.Anything.But one thing i won't allow under any circumstances is you lying to my face!"

I took a step forward reaching out to him but he took a step back."You're testing my patience ,princess."

Again i felt him twisting the knife so hard that my breath knocked out of me.

A lone tear slid from my eyes and onto his carpet.I covered my mouth with my hand to muffled the sobs racking my body.

In an instant i felt his arms going around me .He kissed my head and rubbed my back ."I'm sorry.I'm so sorry.I just....i'm sorry."

I sobbed even harder.My breath was coming in pants now.His fingers dug in my skin painfully.He pulled back and before i could blink i felt his lips capturing mine in a desperate kiss.His lips were bruising mine.He pulled me up against his chest and kissed me so deep that i forgot my own name.

My skin heated up with the way he was kissing my neck now.

"Reece..." He placed his forehead against me breathing hard.He kissed me softly on my lips and then cupped my face with his hands."You've to tell me ,Chloe.You've to."

I shook my head slightly."I've to go." I said quickly and tried to took a step back but his hands tightened around my waist not letting me go.

I could feel heat cursing throught his fingers.

"It's nothing. I promise.I was missing you." I tried to avoid eye contact with him.

He gripped my chin and forced me to look in his eyes.His other arm snaked around my waist,pulling me against him.

His eyes became so cold that i was certain i imagined the kisses we just shared.

"Stop it." He said in a calm tone but i could feelt the anger coming off of him in waves.

"I already told you why-"

"Don't!" He snapped and placed a finger on my lips to stop me from protesting.I tried to move my lips but he pressed his finger even more.

"Do i like an idiot? Do i?." He asked .

I shook my head numbly,trying to blink away the tears that refused to stop pouring into my eyes.I could barely see his wavering unfocused figure.I could feel each thud of his heart .He didn't lose the strong hold he had around me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled against his finger.

He shook his head .

"I-i've to go ,Reece." I said in a forced voice this time.

I won't let him be worried because of a stupid prank.

I won't.

Even if i had to lie.

I will.

He step back and i could clearly see with a sinking heart that he was in a shut down mode.

"Reece,i swear i didn't-"

He waved his hand like he couldn't bear listening to another word i had to say."You didn't mean to hurt me.Got it."

That's exactly what i wanted to say but it sounded so empty coming from his mouth.It was like i had nothing left in me.I deperately wanted to feel his arms around me,his lips against me,nothing else seemed to matter.But there was a reason i was doing this.

I walked lifelessly to the window and then stopped.Hesitantly i turned back and saw that he had his back to me.

I steeled my heart and wiped my face with the back of my hand.

Quietly i unlocked the window and swung my leg out.


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