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Just a little background.

It's very common practice in certain societies and cultures that a female's character is judged on the basis of prejudiced thinking; her clothes, her outspoken nature, her decisions etc.

This write-up is mere a satire on such a thinking.

Happy Reading. XOXO 


Sitting in my room in a comfortable position on my study table, I was reading my novel that suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Having engrossed in a profound read, I was startled. I got up from my chair and opened the door. It was my mother.

"What are you doing, son?" My mother asked.

"Mom, I told you right that I am going to my room to read my novel when you were on a long call with your doctor friend. Didn't you hear me?" I answered nonchalantly. I really doubt if she did hear me because when she is on a call with her friends, she talks for a minimum of one hour without bothering anything else. "Anyway, what's up?" I continued.

"Nothing, I am just here for a chit-chat!"

"Is there anything serious, mom?" I asked. She nodded lightly. I offered her to come and sit with me. And she followed.

"Ok, tell me now."

"Do you remember your colleague, the unmarried one you referred to our family doctor?" She asked.

"Yeah, she was quite unwell and got severe health issues. I couldn't hold myself back from helping her. So, I referred her to our family doctor. I was affirmed that she would be recovered soon." I continued, "Is she alright now?"

"She would be alright! I am not sure of her current health status. Also, how does that even matter when it was her own mistake!", She reverted plainly.

"Mistake? Mom? What mistake?"

"I just got to know that she had UPS!!"

"UPS? What does this mean?"

"It means, unprotected s*x." She looked expectantly at me. I didn't react to it and she continued. "How can your colleagues be so characterless to have sex without marriage? Don't her parents teach her anything? These days, moral values are just lost."

"Mom, please stop saying all these things about her. She is my colleague. It's her life. She can do anything about it. It's her choice." I countered her statement. I didn't welcome her negative thoughts about my colleague.

"No son! I am sure that she doesn't belong to a good family. She must have learned these things from her environment only. Not every parent is skillful enough to raise their children with the right set of values. Such a characterless girl!"

Her words were hitting right on my nerves. I couldn't take it more, so I blurted it out straight on her.

"Enough, Mom!! Characterless?!"

"It's not her, it's me!"

"It was me who persuaded her for physical relations."


Hi Friends,

I am sure that each one of us witness such or even similar scenarios around us. Don't forget to share it with your colleagues, friends, relatives and family.  If you wish to share your thoughts with me, don't forget to drop a comment or an email to me.

My email address is:

naina.goyal13(at the rate of)

Best Regards,

A Random Girl.

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