A Soldier's Beloved

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Picking up my backpack, bidding adieu to my platoon after winning the war, moving towards the railway station with full excitement, I adjusted my Ray-Bans as I was ready to board the train for my hometown. It's been more than a year since I left my lovely wife, and my parents at the Delhi Railway Station due to a sudden call of duty for the war without uttering a word to them leaving mere tears rolling down their eyes. I was quite excited to finally meet my family but above all, my wife as I couldn't even spend much time with her after our marriage due to my job.

Having been quite dedicated to Indian Armed Forces, I admire my wife a lot as she always supported me in all my life endeavors being my best friend during college, my girl-friend during my training days and now finally being my wife. Our life together has never been easy. Being in long distance relationship with such a hectic schedule, we could hardly get time for those long talks and night walks.

No hefty demands, no expectations.

Over the period of 10 years, if I calculate by summing up all the days properly, I couldn't even spend one complete year with her. However, she was still my hardest pillar to lean on during tough times. With her calm voice, confident personality, petite figure, and heart melting smile, she possesses humility in her nature. For me, she is such a sweetheart.

I adore her, love her, care for her but most of all, I respect her. No matter how difficult it was for us to undergo inter-caste marriage, she stood by me more than I could even do for her. I don't know how would I be able to repay her such a hefty debt on me. She adjusted herself into my family like a molten aluminum in the sand mold.

I was so eager to hug her, kiss her, and love her that I felt a rush of blood through my body leaving a sweet stomach clenching butterflies in me. Since, I couldn't even contact my family, not even through calls or messages due to the war, this was a surprise visit at home.

The train halted with a jerk and I came out of my trail of thoughts. It was my destination. Jumping out of the train with my backpack, I booked a cab and reached home in less than 15 mins. I rang the doorbell with a smirk at my face expecting my wife to open the door.

It was my mom. We both exchanged glance and the feeling of shock when she looked at her son after so long and I looked at the garland covered picture of my wife hung at the wall behind my mom and a 3-4 months old baby in my mom's arms.


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Gmail Id: naina.goyal13(at the rate of)gmail(dot)com

Love you all.

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