Page 54 (Harvey)

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After my shift me and Lucy head to Metro because she needs to buy groceries.

"So you've never had a job before?" she says as she puts cereal in the cart "Nope. Mum made me get a job because she was complaining that I do nothing with my life.".

We head to the cash register "Oh! I forgot Mikes goldfish crackers . I'll be right back." Which leaves me putting her groceries on the conveyor belt.

After everything is on, I wait for the cashier to scan everything "Harvey, I don't remember Mum telling us to buy groceries" did I mention Max got a job at metro?

Mum wanted us to be "normal teenagers" and get a job since we don't have anything to work on other than school work. I originally wanted a job at metro so I could be with Lucy more, but Max got it and I ended up at the boring library.

Max scans something and looks at me. He has pads in his hands "Looks who's on his man period now." I shove him from the other side of the counter and the parents in line stare at me and Max.

Lucy comes back to pay for the groceries and Max finished his shift so we all walk home together. Max goes straight home and I help Lucy with the groceries.

See Max, I can be a gentleman.

I end up staying there for a while and Lucy teaches me some ukulele.

I decide to stay for dinner and help Lucy make dessert.

Their kitchen isn't big and so Lucy's Mum finishes dinner first and leaves the kitchen for ourselves.

"So what are we making?" "Brownies" she saying takeoff out the brownie mix. Lucy isn't much of a chef so I do most of it.

Lucy just like mixing the ingredients in the bowl. I dip my finger in the mix and put some on her nose "oops".

She throws flour at me and we end up makes a mess in the kitchen.

Mike walks in and gives me a dirty look. I don't think he likes me.

At dinner the brownies were actually pretty good. We had chicken for dinner.

Though Lucy doesn't have a dad to watch my every move, Lucy's Mum Lauren, takes his place.

I mean she's nice, but kinda terrifying.
"So you're into music like Lucy?" she says with a smile .

"Umm yes"
"Why didn't you go to an arts school then?"
Because who needs to go to an arts school when you already have a music career?
"It was a very sudden move"

To the ones who care||Max and Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now