Chapter Three: I Shouldn't Kiss Him

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A/N: LIAMS PICTURE MOONING THE PAPARAZZI. You'll find out when you read the ENJOY :)

Chapter Three: I Shouldn't Kiss Him

Patricia's P.O.V

I never really thought of eating with the boys at Nandos, it was always just in my dreams. But I guess dreams do come true when you're lucky enough. I was in deep thought, of wondering what had happened to Danielle. She has my life now, I guess its okay. My life is not bad at all, normal family, normal life.. Actually it's too normal; Way too normal. I wonder if she remembers switching with me. Ugh, this is so frustrating.

Note to self: When making a wish say "Just kidding". And I wanted to be Danielle, not switch lives! Ilooked around the luxurious car I was in, leather seats, smells nice, radio was on, an amazingly attractive young lad beside me driving the car who is supposedly my boyfriend. God, I don't know why I haven't fainted yet from all these chaos. I looked out from the window, we were driving past the city of Boston. I never realised how pretty it was until now.

"Are you alrightlove? You seem to be in deep thought" Liam spoke. I turned to him and put on a fake smile. Is it that obvious?

"I'm alright, love.. Just hungry." I said.

"Okay, we'll be there soon. Just hoping Niall doesn't order our food for us." He chuckled. That was very cute.

"Oh, are the boys gonna be eating with us?" I asked, pretending I didn't know that already. Gosh, I'm loving my british accent. I'll never shut up. EVER.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you expecting it to be just you and me? Oh man, I should've told them." Liam said, rubbing the back of his neck. Ngaww, daddy direction is so cute!

"It's okay Liam, it's okay. No need to worry. I'm fine with it" I smiled. Oh boy, if only you knew how much I am fan girling inside! OH. EM. GEE.

"Okay. Okay." He said taking my hand and rubbing it with his thumb. I was shocked at first, but shrugged it off. Oh.. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Liam James Payne is.. Holding my hand. I could die, like right now. Soon after we saw fans gathering up, we parked at the Nandos parking lot and the two body guards were behind us, I didn't even realise they were in the car! Listening to our conversation! Awkward..

"How did they know we were here?!" Harry suddenly appeared. "Hey Harry." Liam greeted. Hazza! I was on my phone, on twitter, and saw Niall's tweet "Off to Nandos with the lads and Patricia for lunch in Boston! I'm starved!" I never had an iphone 4! This is awesome!

We finally got inside, and the fans got sent home, or atleast I thought they did. Liam, Harry and I joined the other three at the table. Mostly adults were eating so they wouldn't bother the boys.

"Guys, how did the fans know we were here?" Liam asked the boys, while manuevering me to sit with him. Niall was playing in his blackberry, Louis and Harry were talking, and well Zayn was just sitting there next to Niall.

"Take a wild guess bebz." Zayn sat back, and pointed to Niall.

"Niall, why did you do that?" Liam asked, slapping Niall's head playfully. And honestly, I had to laugh.

"What?! You made me lose the game!" Niall shouted, making everyone,and I mean everyone in the restaurant look at him.

"Nialler shut up, or we'll leave right now. You obnoxious leprechaun." Louis warned, winking at me after. Thankfully, Niall hasn't ordered the food yet. Liam asked me what I wanted and I didn't really know what to say, I've only been here twice. He must've notice my struggle from the menu and asked.

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