CHAPTER 32: I'm Sorry.....

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Ever since the fight, the Pack doctor has tried everything in his power to try and get every last drop of venom out of her system. He was able to, however, he told us that because the venom had so much time to go through her system, he wasn't sure if it was too late or not. So now it was a waiting game. 

Everyday, for the past several days she wasn't looking like she was gonna wake up anytime soon and looked to be getting more pale and skeletal. 

It wasn't looking too good but I still held on with the hopes of her opening her eyes and being okay. 

I didn't eat very much and barely slept because I didn't want to miss the moment she opened her eyes until this morning, while pouring myself some coffee, I saw Kobey and Stella in the kitchen, kissing one another. They were perfect for each other. 

"Good morning." I cleared my throat as I walked in and grabbed a mug. 

"Morning." They said in unison before pulling away from each other. 

"You hungry?" Stella asks me. 

"Nah. I'm just getting some coffee and I'll grab a protein bar then head back up." I reply while pouring. 

"Shut up and sit down." Stella tells me as she begins plating some food for me. 

I'm too tired to argue and I'm way too hungry to resist the mouthwatering delicious scent of bacon, eggs and toast. So I take a seat the table as she walks over and places the plate in front of me. 

"There. Now you aren't allowed to leave the table until you've finished your meal." She tells me as she sits down next to me with Kobey sitting on my other side. 

"Okay mom." I sarcastically say. 

I begin eating and it tastes so good that I don't stop as I shove bite after bite into my mouth until it's all gone. 

"See, I knew you were hungry." Stella chuckles before taking a drink of her coffee. 

"Yeah. It was great, thanks." I tell her as I finish up my coffee. 

"So, is she still sleeping?" She asks. 

"Yeah." I tell her as I put my plate into the sink and then pour myself another cup before heading back upstairs. 

"She's a fighter. She's gonna make it." Stella tries to reassure me. 

I just nod in agreement without saying anything and make my way upstairs. 

After walking into the bedroom and closing the door behind me, I walk over to the chair I have sat in this whole time and look at her as I take hold of her hand and bring it up to my lips, placing a kiss on it. 

"I love you." I tell her in hopes she can hear me still before putting her hand against my forehead as tears fall out from my eyes. 

"I love you too." I hear what sounds like her soft gentle and sweet voice whisper. 

I couldn't believe it, so I looked up and noticed her eyes were still closed. I let out a sigh of disappointment as I must have been hearing things and then I feel her hand squeeze mine a little bit. 

I stand up and walk over to sit on the bedside, right by her side and start to gently move the few strands of her hair away from her face .

"Baby?" I began. "Are you really awake?"

I see her slowly open her eyes and look at me and smile. 

"Hi baby." She quietly says.

I bend down and hold her tightly never wanting to let go until she starts trying to push me off. 

"What is it?" I ask her. 

"You're squeezing me too tight. I can't breathe." She gasps out. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry baby." I tell her as I quickly pull away and she grabs my arm.

"It's okay. Stay here. I just needed to breathe." She chuckles while saying the last part. 

I chuckle too. 

"I was so worried about you baby." I tell her. 

"I know. But I spoke with the Moon Goddess. She helped me come back." She begins. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"I thought I was dead. But then I saw you and you were apologizing for me getting hurt when I tried explaining that it wasn't your fault. However, you wouldn't listen and as I started running towards you, you just walked away and then..." She stops and looks like she's about to cry. 

"What? What happened?" I asked worried. 

"You killed yourself." She tells me as she squeezes my hand tightly. 

"Aww baby. I would never do that. I mean, unless I lost you first but otherwise, never." I assure her while looking into her eyes. 

"I know. It seemed real and well, soon afterwards, as I began to cry, I heard a soft female voice and I saw it was the Moon Goddess. She was telling me things that I needed to decide quickly about and then the next thing I know, I'm running towards your guys' voices in the distance. And when I heard you say you loved me, that's when I felt myself wake up and realize that I was alive again." She starts smiling as she looks back at me. 

"I'm so glad you came back. I love you so much and missed you." I tell her while kissing her again. 

We of course get interrupted though by Stella and Kobey bursting through the door. 

"What the hell?!" I yell at them. "I mind-linked you both to come up in an hour." 

"Yeah, right. You can't have her all to yourself. We miss her too." Stella whines and quickly pushes me onto the floor and hugs Midnight. 

"Oh my god, you scared the hell out of us." She tells her. 

"I know. I'm sorry." Midnight tells her. Everything seems like it'll be back to the way things were before until we see a guilty look appear on her face.

"What's the matter?" I ask. "Is my sister being too annoying and clingy?" I ask while looking at Stella. 

"Oh shut the hell up." Stella says. 

"No." Midnight begins. "It's just that I feel terrible that I couldn't save your father." She begins and we all look at one another thinking that maybe she doesn't remember everything in how she did what she could. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Also, the sequel to 'How Alpha Found His Luna" is up with the first 2 chapters and is called, 'Mates Forever!?' I hope you all like it. :) ;)

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