CHAPTER 25: I Love You More

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We all walked into the castle and followed the King to the living room area. 

"What is it?" Stella asks. 

The King takes in a deep breath and lets it out before replying. 

"I have just recently gotten word from one of the Elders in the council that a war has been declared." He tells us and we are all silent although at the same time, we know who has claimed war on us. 

"When?" Zane asks. 

"In a few days." He claims. 

"But, how did any of them even survive? And should Zane or anybody be fighting knowing what my father's bite can do to them?" I ask worried. 

"Yes. However, it isn't us we're worried about." He says and suddenly everyone looks at me with so much sympathy while Zane has an apologetic look on his face as he looks into my eyes and squeezes my hand tightly. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

The King looks back at Fern who's standing behind us, not sure if rather or not she should come any closer to us. To which The King assures her it's alright. Though not before asking her something. 

"You didn't tell her?" He asks her. 

I look at Fern questioningly. 

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked feeling frustrated. 

Everyone remained quiet until I heard the King start to explain. 

"You have a rare ability Midnight...." I stop him right there. 

"I already know that. Which I know will become useful during the fight." I exclaimed. 

"You don't understand, Midnight. Your ability, although powerful and is amazing to have, there's a bigger risk of having this ability in particular." 

"What do you mean?" 

"You see, when you took away the venom from out of Zane's body, you transferred it into yours. And because you have not had the proper training in how to avoid keeping whatever pain or disease that you take away from others, your body has not grown immune to rejecting it."

"So, what does that mean?" I asked feeling a little more scared now. 

"Your body may be too weak to handle the venom and your body will soon shut down." He says. 

"But wait, Fern gave me the serum or cure or whatever it was. I'm gonna be fine." I  try and explain. 

"Actually...." I turn and look at Fern after hearing her behind us say something. "The serum I gave you was only for the pain you'd endure. It doesn't cure it." She says. 

"So I'm...." I stop myself as I stop a few tears from falling down my face as I continue. "I'm gonna die?"

The silence from everyone said everything. I was going to die. There was no cure for me. Which I guess it's okay, I mean, I said I was willing to do whatever it took to save Zane's life and I have but because of my father and brother, I have not yet been told many things but in particular, my ability and haven't strengthened my immune system to fight this and get this out of my body. 

I suddenly feel nauseous and quickly excuse myself and run upstairs into the bathroom in our bedroom and quickly kneel down in front of the toilet and throw up. 

It wasn't too long after I began that I felt someone's hands gently pull my hair back and starts rubbing my back to help comfort me - I knew it was Zane. 

"It's gonna be okay baby." He tries to assure me but I can tell in his eyes that he isn't certain i'll be cured. 

"Why." I began to cry as he sits on the bathroom floor with his back up against the wall as he held me close to him in his arms. "Why does this have to happen to me? Right when I finally find hope and happiness in my life, fate has to destroy all of it?!" I cried. 

"Baby, I promise you that it's gonna be okay. You're not going anywhere." he says while placing a kiss on the top of my head and holding me even closer. 

"I love you." I tell him. 

"I love you more." He replies. 

"So what are we gonna do now?" 

"Don't worry about that. Kobey, Stella, my dad and even the Elders have come up with an idea and luckily agreed to the idea." He states. 

"What is it?"

"I don't want you to worry about it, love. Just worry about getting some sleep." He says as he stands up, picks me up bridal style and carries me over to the bed where he then lays me down and begins kissing me as we fall asleep in each other's arms. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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