CHAPTER 11: Mark Me.....

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Stella was preparing lunch for everyone while I stayed with Kobey and Zane, helping keep an eye on everyone.

Zane and Kobey were off to the side talking about what they needed to get from the hardware store when I had noticed a few of the students were standing around on the boat dock and it looked like some of them were picking on someone. So I started to walk towards them.

"Hey. What's going on?" I asked as I walked up to them.

They all turned and I saw the smallest wolf here. He is sixteen years old and isn't the toughest or most fit but I know he's got the fire in him somewhere.

"Nothing." One of the teens say.

"Doesn't look like nothing." I point out. "So I'm gonna ask one last time, what's going on?" I asked more assertive this time.

"We said nothing." One of my least favorite students snaps at me.

This girl is seventeen and clearly is the popular girl at school. She has long dark brown straight hair, is average height, has some curves and believes she's better than everyone.

I glare at her and then look at the kid that was being bullied.

"Do you want to tell me?" I asked him.

He looks at me then quickly at the teens who are staring at him and then just shakes his head.

"I'm okay." He says.

I look at the teens and then back at him.

"Alright. Then why don't you go and see if Stella wants some help okay?" I tell him with a smile.

"Okay." He replies as he begins to walk past us.

"Oh and be sure to tell her to give you whatever dessert you want for tonight." I wink at him.

He just smiles and then quickly begins running up towards the kitchen.

I look back at everyone. "I better not catch any of you doing that shit again." I warn them.

"Or what?" The bitch spoke.

"Or else you'll be punished." I tell her.

"You can't do shit. You're just the Alpha's whore that slept her way into here!" She fires at me.

"Fuck you. You might think that you're hot shit but here's a newsflash, I can tell by looking at you that you aren't gonna make it through this training and I guarantee that you're one of those girls that thinks they can get by in life using their looks. But guess what? Not here and not in the wolf world" i smirk.

"You fucking bitch!" She yells and then she shoves me hard back to where I lose my balance and fall back into the water.

Everyone looks at me shocked as though they aren't sure what to do. Meanwhile, I'm freaking out as I don't know how to swim and right as my arms start becoming tired and sore while starting to go under water, I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist and brings me back up to the surface as the person begins swimming back to shore while holding onto me still. Then I look to see it's Zane as he starts carrying me bridal style while I hold onto his neck and rest my head on his shoulder.

Once we get into the cabin, he lays me down onto the bed and I begin shivering from both feeling still terrified at what just happened and by how cold that water was.

I then saw him sit down next to me after handing me a blanket and putting his arm over my shoulder to pull me close to him and starts warming me up.

"I'm so sorry baby. I swear, whoever did this will pay for it." He tells me.

"I-it's o-okay." I stutter.

"No it's not." He says.

I look up at him and decide to change the subject. Although I'm sure I should probably tell on that girl but, she's not worth it. She's just a teen girl. Besides, I am not gonna let her ruin any kind of special moment I have with Zane, so this time, I'm gonna let it go.

"Wait, did you just call me baby?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah." He smiles back as he looks down at me.

**WARNING Mild Sexual Content**

He bends his head forward as I lift mine up closer to his lips and we start kissing one another.

The kiss quickly deepens and heats up once I start grabbing his hair as he does to mine and he rolls me onto my back and lays on top of me as we continue to kiss until we stop to take a breath.

"I'm sorry. You're just so fucking sexy and I want you more than anything. But if you aren't ready, I can wait." He tells me.

"Stop." I tell him. "I want this with you too." I smile.

"Are you sure? Cause I don't think i'll be able to stop once I start." He warns.

"That's okay. We're mates and I want you." I assure him.

"Mmm." He says as he smashes his lips back onto mine and we continue making out again while removing one another's clothes. Except for his shirt and boxers. I noticed he had kept them on and I wanted to ask why he but he quickly distracts me with his lips and fingers touching my body.

Both my wolf and I start going crazy as I feel one of his hands grab one of my breasts and cups it as he bends down and takes my nipple in his mouth while playing with the other breast and then taking that nipple in his mouth and doing the same thing. I start to moan and grip onto his hair as I feel so much pleasure running through my entire body.

Then he starts kissing his way up to my sensitive spot where he's supposed to mark me at and instantly both my wolf and I start to moan loudly as I tighten my grip on his hair.

"Alpha." I moan.

"Yes?" He asks as he gently places kisses on my neck.

"I want you to mark me." I start to beg.

"Are you sure?" He asks as he stops and looks at me.

I look into his eyes and smile at him.

"Yes." I tell him.

"Okay." He smiles and then gently kisses me on the lips again before kissing his way back  to the side of my neck, lightly grazing his teeth along my neck until I finally feel his sharp canines sink into the spot, causing me to gasp and yelp loudly in pain at first but then soon after, the immediate of pure bliss and pleasure replaces those feelings.

Now it's my turn.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) And it will be a 'Mature Content'. Then chapter 13 will be Midnight's brother's POV. :)

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