CHAPTER 30: The Venom

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After my father mind-linked me to go and get everyone from downstairs, I at first argued a little bit but realized that we really needed the help, so I left, although I was luckily able to grab the key to the cells with my teeth after I noticed it had fallen out of one of the guys' pockets as soon as we all shifted into our wolf forms. 

When I made it downstairs I first ran to Kobey's cell and tossed him the keys while telling everyone they all needed to shift into their wolves quickly and get ready to fight since my dad as upstairs, fighting off the wolves himself at the moment. 

They all quickly shifted although Kobey was the last one to shift after opening everyone's cells. Then while they all ran upstairs, I saw Midnight come walking out of her cell. 

"Wait." I mind-link her. 

"What are you doing? We need to get up there." She tells me as her wolf begins to purr, making my wolf do the same seeing that she has healed quickly and looks better now. 

"I know. I just...." I began. 

"I know baby. I'm okay. Now lets go." She says before rubbing her nose against mine letting me know that she really was alright. 

We both then began sprinting upstairs and as soon as we got upstairs, we noticed the fighting between the wolves had moved from the room out to all over the place. 

Midnight had already taken off and started helping out our members as well as dad's pack too that had helped us from the other night. 

I began looking around for Midnight's father and mine and saw neither one. So I decide to head back towards the room to find them when suddenly, Aaron's wolf jumps out in front of me. 

I stop and right away begin growling at him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks. "We have unfinished business." He reminds me. 

I right away pounce on him, knocking him onto his back, pinning him down and snap at his neck but am only able to nick him before he kicked me off and starts charging at me. 

We continue going at it. Clawing at one another and biting. We start rolling all over the place until we somehow tumble outside, rolling off the back patio stairs and onto the grass. 

We both get up on all fours and look at one another. 

"You and your father are going to suffer greatly." He begins while we start to circle each other without taking our eyes off one another. 

"Not nearly as much as you and yours. Your pack will be charged and put away forever." I tell him. 

"My god. You're just as pathetic as your father. After all, he did marry a whore." He remarks. 

That was it. No more talking. No more air was this guy gonna breathe. This was gonna be the end of him and his family's existence. 

I started charging towards him as he began doing the same until we clashed into each other hard and started clawing at one another, leaving deep slashes in one another's chest and biting one another until he gets a hold of one of my back legs and bites down so hard that I felt like my leg was going to come off, if it hadn't already. 

When it came down towards the end of the fight with both of us bleeding out and hurt badly, he was about to pounce on top of me when while in midair, I saw Kobey's wolf jump out of nowhere and knock him down. Both of them fighting until Kobey's wolf bites hard down onto Aaron's wolf's neck, causing him to die instantly as it seems his canine's went deep into his neck, enough to break it. 

I try and get up and ignoring the excruciating pain I feel on my leg that has Aarons' canines bite mark that has me still bleeding. But I don't care right now. The only thing I care about right now is getting to Midnight and finding my father. 

Kobey runs up beside me as we head inside the house and as soon as we head inside, I notice that very few of my men are lying dead, now in their human forms, on the floor, spread all over the place. Most of Aaron's pack is dead and luckily, I see more of my guys still alive and although injured as well, the ones that can still move around, help the others while Kobey and I continue heading to the room. 

Kobey and I both stop dead in our tracks once we see both Midnight's and my father's body, on the ground, with no clothes on and both beaten badly and bleeding. 

Then as I look over to a few feet away from them, I see Midnight's father, he's dead. 

Both Kobey and I shift into our human forms and I have him and the guys run upstairs to get some clothes for all of us, as well as for Midnight too while I walked over towards hers and my father's bodies, breathing, but just barely. 

I tried waking them both up but neither one responded to my attempts. 

This couldn't be happening. I can't lose them both. Yes they are breathing, but it seems their breaths are becoming slower and shorter. 

Kobey throws me some clothes and I quickly get dressed as I then put clothes on Midnight next. 

"Zane." I hear my father whisper tiredly. 

I look over at him and kneel beside him. 

"Dad? Are you alright?" I asked him. 

"Yes. But son, get Midnight out of here. She's dying." He says. 

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "What happened?" I asked. 

"She tried to save me. She took all the venom out of body that her father injected into me. But son, it was too late." He slowly says while beginning to cough out blood. 

I look down and see him holding his side as he has deep slashes and looks to have bled out a lot. 

"Dad, I...." I started to say but he stopped me. 

"It's alright son. I'm sorry I put you all through this. I failed you as a father and for that, I'm so sorry. You're a better man than I ever was. And will be the best damn Alpha King that ever lived. I love you son. I always have. " He says before coughing again. 

"I love you too." I begin to cry. 

Then that was it, he died right there while holding my hand until he slowly let go. 

"Alpha! Something's wrong with Luna!" Kobey tells me panicking. 

That's when I'm quickly snapped back and see her. I yell out to Kobey for the Pack doctor and to go and get Fern to hopefully help us. 

I can't stand losing two of the four most important people in my life. Please Moon Goddess, tell me she'll be alright.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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