"Oh." Is all you can say. Though you're relieved that 

Jimin leans slightly across the gap between your beds. "Who were you dreaming about Y/N?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

You blush and push his face back. Looking away from him and back to the doctor who seems to be watching the scene with amusement.

"What happened to the other four?" You ask.

The man looks down at his clipboard and clicks his teeth.

"I assume you're referring to the people registered as Kang Chonghyun, Kang Jiyoon, Kang Minjae and Kang Minsoo? They're currently hospitalised as well, although a report from Choi Eunjae places them under police surveillance for several serious crimes." He explains.

You feel a weight lift off your chest hearing that your family wont be able to hurt anyone anymore. You reach out to Jimin and he takes your hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Can we see the others please? I feel well enough to walk and I really need to tell them something." You plead.

The doctor considers it for a second, glancing at your heart monitor and then back at you.

"Alright bu-"

"Y/N!" Eunjae screams as she enters the room.

You're surprised as you hadn't even noticed the door opening but Eunjae flings herself across the room and embraces you in a tight hug that threatens to squish the life out of you. You laugh and return the hug, brushing off all the comments about how much you worried her and just being grateful that she's okay.

"Thank you for calling the police." You say and she pulls back to look at you.

"Well when you passed out I ended up being the only conscious person in the room so I took the chance to call for help. Don't worry I took the boys' masks off to make them seem normal and not Bangtan." She whispers the last part and you mouth a thank you to her.

"We're about to go and see them, want to come?" You ask and she nods.

Slowly, you and Jimin swivel on your beds and help each other out of them. You're both a little unsteady so Eunjae steps in the middle and helps you, surprisingly strong for a girl of her height. The three of you ignore the doctor's complaints and worries as you step out of the room and along the corridor to another. Jimin slides the door open and you all hobble in.

Shouts and cries of your name erupt as soon as you enter but you take your time to look at all of them before responding. Physically, they all seem very tired and very weak, but most have a smile on their face. The exception of course being Yoongi who's sulking in the bed closest to you.

You let go of Eunjae and move over to the scowling man, sitting on his bed. He looks at you for a second before turning back to glaring holes in the wall ahead of him. You sigh and wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"How are you feeling?" You ask him softly.

He untucks an arm and holds it up so you can see. It's covered in healing burns and looks painful, you're suddenly aware of where else must be burnt and remove your arms.

"He'll be fine." Namjoon's calm voice says and you turn to him. "We'll all be fine thanks to you." 

"Thank Eunjae, she's the one who helped fight and got us out of there." You say.

"What a woman." Jimin says to her with a smirk.

Eunjae rolls her eyes at the comment and pushes him down gently onto the nearest chair, causing the rest of the room to laugh. 

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