10,000 Hours | Michael Porter Jr.

Start from the beginning

Keshante , do we need to talk? I don't understand. Open up please.| 2:00 AM

Yo you bugging for real , Shante I'm leaving. | 2:05 AM

Whatever.| 2:10 AM

The tangent of messages gave her mixed emotions. Michael Porter Jr. once was her ultimate dream. Every girl wanted him and she was lucky enough to capture his attention. However she soon realized once she got him that everything that glittered was not gold. Michael had his flaws , a huge bucket full of flaws and they made it so hard for her to see the good in him sometimes. Nonetheless when Michael was good , he was amazing. When it was just those two , their witty back and forths made her feel better, more at peace.

Now , she was just someone he used to deal with. She knew she'd liberated herself but she felt more caged than ever before.

After getting ready she ambled out to her 8 AM history class. The study of Ancient Egyptian Runes proved to be enough of a distraction for Keshante as the hieroglyphs in front of her easily distracted her from the thoughts of her failed situationship. Being that it was the only class she had on Tuesday she speedily made her way back to her room afterward.

What she didn't expect to find however was Michael Porter Jr. lying on her bed, watching her television.

"What the fuck?"

Her voice garnered his attention but didn't startle him. He gave her a small smirk before he grabbed the remote and turned the television off. Patting the spot next to him on the bed she gave him a confused look before wordlessly obliging him.

"I figured we needed to talk , urgently."

The words slid from his tongue like silk. It was that simple to him to explain it all.

"Okay here I am. What are we talking about?"

"I think you should tell me Shante." He levelled with her as he sat up so they were facing one another "You're the one that decided to reject me last night."

"I didn't reject you , I distanced myself."

Michael snorted at her words.

"Yeah well your distancing stung a hell of a lot like rejection. I've never felt that before and I'm trying to make sure I don't again."

"Then maybe you should pretend that we never happened and wipe your record clean."

The sudden bravery coming from her was the evidence of her suffering at the hands of his inconsistency. Had this happened a month ago they would have never reached this standoff, back then she was so in love with him it was nauseating. That was until she found out she wasn't the only one.

"Okay Keshante , what is wrong exactly?"

Staring into her eyes Michael searched them before he reached for her hands only to be denied.

"I can't be your fuckbuddy or your secret or maybe even nothing important to you anymore. Michael unless you want me and only me. I can't keep going back and forth with you."

He let her words sink in before he nodded and got up.

"Alright then" That was all he said before he got up and headed for her door "Heard you loud and clear Shante."

With that said , he nodded towards her and left her room. She couldn't believe it was that simple for him but he was gone. She checked her phone after he left only to see nothing and despite herself she felt her stomach drop as tears sprang to her eyes.

She may have wanted to be free of the bad parts of Michael but the good parts abandoning her had left her bare and in tears.

She didn't know when she'd fallen asleep but she knew that between her crying she'd eventually given up on living her misery and just wanted to not feel for a while. Whenever sleep came between her sniffles, she'd welcomed it.

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