Chapter 48 Beginnings

Start from the beginning

Vara smiled sadly. "He talked about Aelia."

Cyrus looked at her surprised. "My mother?" he asked confused.

Vara nodded. "He adored her. He still grieved her death. He called her a breath of fresh air."

Cyrus smiled at the memory of his mother. "She was a great woman, didn't care much for conventions. And she always had time for us."

"I wish I could have met her," Vara said.

"She would have loved you," Cyrus told her.

"I remember you coming here after she died," Vara said softly.

Cyrus nodded. "She used to come here on warm days. It reminded her of home. When my brothers were still alive, she took them too, but after I was born, father wouldn't allow it anymore. I guess I just wanted to see this place for myself." He looked at her. "He adored you too, you know. He always laughed when we had gotten ourselves in trouble again."

Vara laughed. "He would always pretend to be so serious when berating us, but you could tell he was amused by the twinkle in his eye."

Cyrus swallowed and rubbed his eyes. "I can't believe he's gone."

"I know," Vara whispered. She blinked back her own tears. She took a deep breath. "We should head back. The first lords will be arriving to pay their respects."

Cyrus let out a dry laugh. "So it is my father who sent you."

Vara sighed. "You can't hide here forever, Cyrus."

"Why not?" he countered, "I can see myself farming. How hard could it be?"

Vara raised an eyebrow. "Farming? You? Shoveling manure?"

Cyrus scrunched his nose. "Maybe not."

Vara laughed softly. "You're such a spoiled brat."

He smiled. "I've missed your laugh."

"Cyrus..." Vara protested, but he shook his head.

"I hate this wall that was erected between us. I wish it could be like before, when we could still talk to each other without restrictions."

Vara sighed. "I miss that too, but things are different now. It will never be like it was before."

Cyrus sighed. "I love you, Vee. I need you."

"And you still have me," Vara assured him, "I will always be there, but we can't be together. You and I both know it. We've always known it."

Cyrus shook his head bemused. "How could that man of yours ever let you out of his sight?"

Vara smirked. "He is waiting in the village."

Cyrus tilted his head. "So he doesn't trust you with me?"

"Oh, he trusts me," she answered, "it's you he doesn't trust."

Cyrus laughed. "He still let you come here alone."

"Because I told him I could handle you," Vara commented dryly, "but if we don't return soon he might come look for us. I won't take responsibility for his actions."

Cyrus let out a dry laugh. "Let's not test his patience then." He stood up and helped Vara to her feet. "Thank you, Vara," he said and he kissed her cheek, "go find that husband of yours."

Vara frowned concerned. "What about you?"

"I'll come home in a bit," he promised.

Still feeling worried, she studied him more closely. "You're not going to ride off, are you? Your father will skin me."

"No he won't," Cyrus smirked, "he'd sooner send out a hunting party to drag me back. I'll catch up with you, I promise."

Vara bit her lip and nodded. "Okay."

Cyrus cupped her cheek. "I'll see you at home."


Ariane took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. She had been crying all night.

He hadn't come back.

Where had he been all night?

Normally she would find comfort with lady Eurydice, but Ariane didn't want to disturb her now. The woman had enough on her mind at the moment with the funeral arrangements.

Sighing she walked over to Loukios' bed. The boy was sound asleep. It was a good thing he didn't know yet what was going on around him.

Ariane sighed again. Vara. It had to be Vara. Why could it not have been some unknown mysterious woman he loved? She could have accepted that. She could have lived with that. But knowing it was someone close to her, someone she knew, that was almost unbearable.

The door opened and Ariane looked up hopeful, but it was only Althea, her new personal maid since Chloe had left with Vara. The woman went about her tasks quietly and firmly like Ariane wasn't even there.

Ariane equally ignored her and sat down at her son's crib. He was all she had left now. She couldn't afford to lose him too. Gently, she caressed the boy's cheek. He would grow up strong, not wanting for anything. She would make sure of that.

He would be loved, a prince of the nation, adored by all. And one day he would be king.

Ariane sighed again and watched him sleep. He still looked so innocent. She was going to make sure it stayed that way for as long as possible.


She found him with Ethan and Euniece, staring into a cup of wine. Next to it was a plate with bread and cheese. Eunice was folding laundry on the bed nearby. Over the fire was a kettle that smelled like stew.

When she entered the house, Iason looked up. Vara smiled at him. "Ready?"

"I was only waiting for you," he answered. He looked around her. "Where is he?"

Vara sighed. "He told me he'd catch up, that we should ride ahead."

"Is everything alright?" Iason asked concerned. He wasn't too thrilled the king had told Vara to bring back his son, but he understood why. Cyrus was more inclined to listen to Vara than to anyone else.

Vara sat down next to him and looked at her hands. "He's had a fight with Ariane."

"That is not your problem," Iason told her kindly, "you are not responsible for him."

"I know," Vara said quietly, "but it feels like it's my fault."

Euniece turned around with the stack of folded laundry in her hands. She shook her head at Vara. "I agree with Iason, Vee," she said, "no matter how you two feel of felt about each other, he's made a commitment to someone. He is a father now. He will be king someday. You moved out of the palace for a reason. You are happy with Iason. Cyrus needs to solve his own problems."

Vara sighed and rubbed her temple. "I just want to go home."

Eunice smiled sympathetically. "Why don't you and Iason stay for dinner? We can add two plates. It's no trouble."

Vara smiled back at her sadly. "You don't know how much I'd want to, but I have obligations. The king expects me back to receive the lords from the province. There's so many formalities..."

Iason looked at her sadly. Before, he hadn't realized how limited their freedom was. Yes, they could retreat to Boncini, but when the king summoned them, they had no choice in the matter. He placed a hand on hers. "Well, I suppose those formalities can wait a little longer. After all, the prince isn't ready to be found either."

Vara managed a smile and looked at him gratefully. "I suppose that is true," she said.

Across the table, Eunice grinned at her and picked up the stack of laundry. She rounded the table and pressed the stack into Vara's hands. "There you go. Go make yourself useful." She stuck out her tongue and grinned mischievously. "I'll go grab two plates."

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