May The Night Become Clear

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Violet's POV,

I was lying in bed watching the cooking channel.

Out of nowhere there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said, and Camille came in followed by Kingston and Elijah.

"Have you. . .seen the news lately?" Camille asked.

"No? Why!?" Has something came up about Parker? I asked.

Camille came over and grabbed the remote and started going through the channels. She then stopped at the news channel.

The Original News

"Today, in Whitehill Crest there's been an mass animal attacks. Or should I say werewolf attacks." The reported said.

"All victims were mutilated and the wounds were cauterized even the bite marks. This werewolf is cleatly a hybrid of both werewolf and hellhound. This person is highly dangerous as it killed 3 humans and 2 werewolves.

Soon photos of the victims were put up.

It was terrible, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What has Parker done; what is she doing.

"Here is a photo of the beast who's responsible for these murders." The reporter said, and the pic was shown.

In the picture it was large, black, and glowing tipped figure, indicating that who ever took this photo was far away.

"She's out of control." I heard Camille say.

"What." I spoke up.

"She's crossed the line. What you see is a true pure lycan. Parker has tapped into her true abilities." Camille said.

"Are you able to do that?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'll have to be extremely pissed and in Parker's case she was in rage to go through that transformation."

"So this means she's broken out of whatever had held her hostage and is going in a rampage."

"Most likely, yes."

"This is bad. We have to find her." I said, and got up and Camille stopped me.

"Yeah I  don't think that's a good idea." She said.

"What are you taking about we have to go get her." I said.

"Parker isn't on a understanding level and she's killing other werewolves. What makes you think she't not going to attack one of us." She said.

"You don't know that. I'm going to go look for her." I pushed pass her and went to the door but the guys were blocking my way.

"Sorry, but we can't let you leave." Kingston said.

"Violet. I can't risk the lives of our pack members." Camille said.

Deep down I know she was right but my heart is telling me otherwise. The need to be, to see, hear Parker is what I wanted. What I've been waiting for and now Camille is telling me to back off.

"Camille we have to see if she's okay. We can't lose her now. She needs help, if she's out there causing trouble you don't know what could happen." I said as I faced her.

She scratched the back of her neck and looked up at the ceiling. Then she looked at me.

"No. And that's final." She said sternly, and left out of the room with the others.

I stood there alone, and I wondered. What will happen to Parker if I am too let?

Camille's POV,

You're Mine & Only MineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon