New Addition

369 14 2

Violet's POV,

Lying in bed just adjusting to the fact I'm pregnant and haven't told anyone yet.

I was lying against Parker as her arm was wrapped around my upper body. I'm restless, this pregnancy is clouding my mind. I don't think I'll ever get to sleep.

Removing Parker's arm I slip out of bed as quietly as possible. Making my way to the door I turn the knob someone whistled and it wasn't me.

And I sighed and faced her. She was siting up and pet the bed. I got back in bed and she was quick to pull me into her warm body.

"Where you were you sneaking off?" She whispered with her lips against my neck.

"I was uhm going for a walk." I said.

"In the middle of the night. By yourself." She said, and lightly kissed my neck. "Where were you off too?"

"I had to step out for a moment." I said.

"Why?" She said, and began sucking on my neck.

Moaning slightly, I felt her fangs ready to sink in my skin. I spoke in time to stop her. "Something has happened." I said.

"What do you mean." She said.

I decided to turn around and face her. Her eyes glowed and she fangs were showing. I laugh a little "Were you that heated?"

"Well. . .yea but, what has happened?" She asked.

"Uhm how can I put this," I started. "Uhm I uhm. . .I'm."

"Come one, spit it out." She said.

". . . . .I'm pregnant." I said quickly.

Her facial expression was in shock. She looked at me and asked, "Are you messing with me?"

"What? No, of course not." I told her.

"Then how do you know?" She said.

"My mother realized that I was." I told her.

Unexpectedly she pulled me into her arms. "I love you so, so much." She said.

I hugged her back, "I love you just as much."

We faced each other and kissed passionately. "I'm gonna be a mother." She said, and we laughed.

"We should rest." She said.

I crawled over beside her and she took me in her arms.


Parker's POV,

Downstairs I was making some tea for Violet.

"Milk and honey, my love." I asked her.

"Yes please." She said. I fixed her tea and placed it in front of her.

Camille later walked in with a smile. "I smelt coffee beans." She said."

"Yea, I was going to make coffee when I finish Violet's tea." I told her.

"Make me a cup." She said.

"Only if you make me one." I said.

She thought about it, "Deal."

"How's your tea babe?" I asked Violet.

"Lovely." She said. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

Stirring my sister's coffee, I pour a little more creamer as she likes. "Done." I said.

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