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Violet's POV,

Laying on my bed, petting my kitten I named Grey. It's a boring Sunday but also the best resting day. Saturday was the worst. All I did was listen to my brother about how great it is to be alpha, blocking out questions from my friends and dealing on how to tell my father that my mate is a girl and that she's from the HuntFang pack and also the alpha of the pack.

As much as I don't want too, I have to get up and out of the house. I remember when I stayed in the house and in my room for 3 days straight, my brother bust through my room and practicality pulled me out of my room by my feet.

Walking downstairs I was being eyed by a small group of people that were in the kitchen.

"Did you hear that she and the new alpha we alone together." Said a girl from the group.

"You're right, I heard the growl. I wonder what they were doing?" Said a guy.

"You know the alpha is a dyke, they could've been doing anything." Said a another girl laughing a little.

Trying to ignore them, I went outside to catch some fresh air. I went to the back of the house where the training takes place to see what's up.

I walked onto the back patio and sat down and by my surprise, it seems like an unwanted guest makes their way onto the field. His black white fur shimmered in the sunlight. The group of trainers cleared a path for him. I didn't move from my seat as he walked up to me.

Looking at him, I notice that there was a envelop in his mouth. He then bowed down and I took the envelope. He raised and turned away and was off to where he came from. I watched as he snarled, snapping his jaws at the trainers who flinched.

Holding the envelop my name was printed in fancy writing. I turned to the back were a champagne gold wax seal with 'her' initials. Rolling my eyes I open the envelope and out with the letter.

Dear My Lovely Violet,

I welcome you to my home as my guest of honor, to celebrate my finished goal in being the new alpha of my pack. I would like for you to come looking your best, I also inform you that I will be telling my pack about you as my mate and I hope it's not a bother to your father and brother. Though your mother has given me the honor in telling my pack about the wonderful new. Hope to see you tonight.

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