Never Turn Your Back

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Parker's POV,

When I woke up I was in the forest and my feet weren't touching the ground.

I looked around to if anyone was around, then I sniffed and I could smell that they were hiding.

"What a bitch move, Vincent." I said.

I was hung by chains around my wrists as I gripped I was a little to weak to pull myself up. So I just hung.

"Still afraid even if you have me in chains huh. . .Pathetic." I said. "I can smell you, might as while come out."

As known Vincent comes walking out with a grin on his face as if he's accomplished something. He stepped up in front of me with his hand behind his back.

"So. What do you want to talk about." I asked him.

"I want you gone." he said.

"And you did all this just to tell me that." I said.

"Not only did I do this, but you have to pay for unbalancing the peace within my pack. Everyone is worried and is caution about if they are next."

"Listen man. When I turn I have no control and I've been trying to fight the urge to turn. But honestly at this moment I can't wait to see what happens."

"It that a threat?"

"A warning, actually. And if you were smart enough kidnapping me at night wasn't the brightest idea." I said.

"I wanted to see the beast for myself." He said.

"I thought you wanted to save your people from dying. You're putting them at risk." I said, and I got a strange feeling in my stomach.

"I want them to witness the true monster that killed one of our pack members, then after that I'm going to kill you and use your blood to make my pack the most powerful of them all." he said.

"You sound fucking crazy. You are a crazed alpha after all and I thought it was just a saying to make you seem terrifying."

"Gotta hell."

"And when I get to hell, I'll be sure to bring you along with me."

He growled and raised his hand in the air. People walked out from behind the tress and into the moonlight. They stood around and Vincent started to speak.

"This is the one who sent Ally to her death. She is the monster that killed those people, the one who made caused so much damage and grief."

"Yea and also this man you call your alpha just put all your lives in danger."

"Don't listening to her, she's just trying to frighten us so that she can escape."

"What ever you say. Don't say I didn't warn you. You guys are fools to be listening to him, don't forget he's the one who killed the rightful alphas of your pack. If you ask me I'll be very pissed with him, I wouldn't even accept him as my leader."

"Where are the archers." Archers? You got to be kidding me.

Four guys with bow and arrow sets step out from the crowd of people and got position. They make a circle around me as an arrow can hit me from the front, back and both my sides.

I can feel the chains around mt wrists tighten slightly. Looking up I can see that my hands are changing. Down to my right the archer had his arrow ready to let go. My heart started to race and I could feel my strength building.

"I think it's best for you guys to get going. I'm not doing so well." I said, and the feeling my fangs and claws beginning to grow.

. . . . I can't stop this.

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