"I'm not done yet!" I pushed my shaken self up.

"Lucy Heartfilia. I'm not done with you yet!"

3rd Person POV

"What is this? Minerva has not feigned defeat yet ladies and gentleman! The fight is still on! What is going to happen now? I can't even place a bet anymore!" Chapati pulled his wig down as he watched the two incredibly strong mages.

"You're stronger than I thought you were. Not bad."

"Don't underestimate me Heartfilia. I'm going to win this battle for Sabetooth."

"I won't back down either. I'll make sure that I win this battle for Fairy Tail."

"Erogas!" (This was based on what I heard in Fairy Tail so don't at me)

A bunch of blue orbs appeared and exploded around Lucy multiple times. Minerva's pent up anger managed to increase her power rate and even more blue orbs appeared.

"I control this territory! You don't stand a chance against me."

"Lo Hosechia!" (Again based on what I heard from the anime)

A single orb grew bigger and bigger in her hands and was soon aimed at the blonde mage on the ground.

"Re- equip, Speed Flight Armor."

Lucy took off from the ground but as she flew up, she felt a strong tug on her right angle and soon enough she was pulled back down, smashing face first into the rock hard floor. It didn't stop there though, Minerva's orb rope thing flinged her towards a position causing it to crumble to bits.

"Sabertooth is number one and will always be number one."

"Don't get too cocky. I'm not done yet either." Lucy stood up steadily.

"Open gate of the Fire Dragon, Igneel!"

"DAD!" Natsu exclaimed from the sidelines.

"Shut up kid, I ain't ya dad."


"Hey Igneel, I wanna do something crazy."

"Oh No. Why me, send me back."

"Stop being mean. I just wanna fuse."

"I wouldn't recommend doing that Princess."

"Come on we don't have time."

"No I will not allow it. You haven't even tried doing fusion with dragons."

"Well let's try it now. Fire Dragon Fusion!"

"No princes-!"

"What is this? I think Lucy Heartfilia has just vanished?"

"I'm right here."

A blonde mage, a totally different blonde mage appeared. Her facial features were more dark and menacing. Her eyes turned into a dull red compared to her usual bright hazel eyes. Her light blue and yellow armor switched to a black and red dress with a huge collar hanging around her thin neck. Her dress complimented her curves perfectly at the same time her huge sleeves and ribons made the look fierce. The important look of it all, was the red crystal necklace that hung around her neck loosely. The only item that bonded the the dragon and mage together.

"Hey it actually worked."

"Hey I got boobs." Igneel snickered.

"Incredible! Lucy Heartfilia has just transformed into a totally different person in less than a minute. I have never seen such magic before!" Chapati exclaimed over the mic.


"He's in me."


"Ain't that what I just said?"

"I must say, that was not bad." Minerva complimented.

"Well I always do try my best."

"Too bad it's all going down the drain after I end this."

"Well that went from 0 to a 100."

"It's a battle honey, suck it up."

"Why don't you actually start doing something instead of running your mouth."

The whole crowd 'ooh'ed at theat burn and it only made the crowd grow wilder. But that was also when Lucy knew, she angered a demon.

"Enutrof Iragd!" (I pretty much made up my own idea at this point. I hope this doesn't mean anything offensive.)

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

Both of the mages' blasting attacks collided with one another, creating a huge force of gravity that blew everything outwards even Chapati's hair flew off. Everyone shielded their eyes from the blinding light which made them even more anxious the fact that they couldn't see the actual fight at all.

"I'm not gonna let a fairy defeat me!"

She faltered her attack and dodged Lucy's, launching towards the dragon Slayer with blue orbs wrapping around her fist and gave a powerful blow on Lucy's stomach, causing her to launch across the arena and crash into the wall, again. Lucy's head was spinning and it was about time she actually started putting an end to this. She welcomed enough attacks already it was starting to bore her.

"Alright, that's enough play time, it's time to put an end to this."

"Just give up already, we all know that you can't defeat me."

Lucy raised her hand forward and clenched her fist shut tight and next thing she knew, Minerva was pulled up from the ground. She hastily clawed onto the invisible entity that wrapped around her neck deadly tight, seeking for fresh air as tears threatened to fall. As Lucy moved her arm to the right, Minerva's floating body followed swiftly to the right, hitting a podium. Lucy repeated the same action to the left side this time, causing Minerva to hit the other podium opposite.

She was then pushed down onto the ground roughly and Lucy slowly made her away towards the Territory mage. At this point, Minerva was slowly about to pass out from the lack of air and she could hear her guild members screaming her name. Finally, air abruptly entered her lungs as she was released from the strong hold of death.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you but remember this."

Lucy stomped her leg onto Minerva's stomach causing her to choke.

"Don't ever call me a weakling ever again, cause if you do, I'll make sure to show everyone who the real weakling is."

Lucy gave one last punch, covered in fire, straight towards Minerva's face, knocking her out cold. A moment of silence slowly changed into loud cheers.

"Well folks, after 30 minutes of sitting here watching the anti-climacting battle, I know declare that Lucy Heartfilia is the winne-"


Sting and the rest of his guild members jumped from the sidelines and ran towards their guild master.

"Don't worry guys, I got th-"

"Get away from her."Sting shielded Minerva's lifeless body from the Fairy Tail mage.

"Woah, chill out, I'm just tryna heal her."

"After you nearly killed her? Don't. Touch. Her."

"That's part of the battle. Now I don't know about you, but I'm not interested in killing someone just because they annoyed the fuck out of me. That's not how it works with me. Now unless you can heal her yourself you best get out of my way."

Lucy pushed past Sting and and the rest as she kneeled down and rest both her hands on Minerva's chest. Lucy closed her eyes and focused on using her last bit of energy to heal the badly bruised Minerva.

"I call upon thee power of the Sky Dragon, lend me your power to heal the injured and restore fragments of this area to it's rightful structure."

Thank you for reading and supporting this book ! Please press the star if you enjoyed it, it really means alot to me!

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