Chapter 14: Some Weird Guy

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I wake up with a start "I was just having the most amazing dream you stupid alarm. Curse you and curse you Monday for coming so soon" I drag myself out of bed and rush to the toilet to pee I do my morning routine and change into white top under my blue jean jacket, a skirt two inches after my mid-thigh that has flowery patterns and white tennis shoes.

I go downstairs to make some food and see Cole is ready and eating

"Why and how are you ready before me?" I ask surprised

"Uh... nothing" he stuffs the last of his food into his mouth "bye Leah" he waves and I wave back with a 'what just happened' look. I make cereal and get my bag and keys. My dad comes down the stairs

"dad!" I exclaim and hug him

"Why are you behaving as if you haven't seen me in months" he says

"Cole was ready before me and he left, how is that possible. How's he going to get to school" I ask

"well for starters, you probably took too long doing something or Cole set his alarm for an earlier time and secondly he can walk, I mean that is why he has two functioning legs also, he got his car back after explaining to me the new practice times" he says

When I get to their house I press the bell and Steff opens it

"Steff, I missed you well not really" I say and hug her

"I know, how you been and what happened between you and my brother?" she hugs me and asks

"It happened at Susan's party I lost part of my memory of what happened and when you said a word or so and I remembered something and I asked Xavier and he said it was true and he only likes me as friend so I went home" I say and shrug

"Oh my how do you feel about all that?" she asks

"I guess I'm over it" I say

"But are you over him?" she asks

"I really don't know that yet but I know yesterday I had a lot of fun with Cole and my dad" I said

"So cute, a brother-sister moment. Xav and I never have those" she says

"I heard my name being called, Steff what did I" he stops as soon as he sees me "do"

"Its girly stuff you don't need to know about" she replies

"I'm a girl?" he asks

"Nope now go" Steff says and shoves him away

"No need to be so violent" he mutters and walks away

I look at him and Steff "you are two idiot siblings now hurry up"

"Yes ma'am" she mock salutes and marches into the kitchen.

I sit on their couch and check different TV stations but there is nothing interesting showing so I shout "I'm going to Amelia's house" and leave

I press the bell and her mom opens the door "hey Selena"

She smiles "Leah, come in – Amelia Leah is here"

I walk inside and tilt my head then I see Amelia eating and I wave she waves back and I walk to the dining table just as she finishes her meal

"How are you" I ask

"Fine" she replies and goes to rinse her dishes and place them in the dishwasher

"Soo... where's Hugh?" I ask

"Sleeping upstairs" she replies when she's done and I smirk

"What's up with that smirk" she looks at me worriedly

"Nothing, we're just gonna be his alarm clock" I say while getting up "do you have..." I mention the stuff I need Amelia nods and goes in to get the stuff

We use a small bowl and pour some water inside. Next we pour some toothpaste, glue, baby powder, body lotion and salt and mix them all with a coffee stirring thing. Then we microwave the thing for 10 seconds so it isn't really hot.

"Amelia, if you have a camera please set it up in Hugh's room where we can see everything that happens" I say and she goes upstairs.

After a while Amelia leads me to the room Hugh is sleeping in and I smirk even more evilly and go near his sleeping body and tap him "it's time to wake up Hugh" and when he opens his eyes slightly and sits up, she passes the bowl to me and I pour the content on him slowly spreading it out on his body and his face changes "what the hell"

When the bowl is empty we run out of the house into Steff and Xav's house in laughter and they look at both of us suspiciously.

Steff asks slowly "what did you guys do"

Amelia unlocks her phone and shows her the video we have and Steff bursts out into laughter followed by Amelia and I. Xavier takes the phone from Amelia and watches the video and joins us in our laughing fit. Soon we hear a voice yell


Xavier and Steff rapidly pick their stuff and we're out of the house in a jiffy and zoom off in my car

We got to school pretty early and I parked in the most convenient spots for the afterschool flood of students and we got out of the car heading to our lockers and put in our combinations, I bring out the books I'm going to use till break time and close the locker.

After like 10 minutes more students come into the building and soon enough there are voices everywhere and I rush to my class and take a seat beside the window and soon after I dose off.

"Ms. Coleman, can you answer number 2 for us" the teacher asks, while coming out of my groggy state, I glance at the question and sigh.

Right, today is random day- this is a day the teacher randomly picks questions from what he's taught and what we've learnt before and ask us, it's like a pop quiz but then you have an idea of what you're gonna be asked.

The question says: The probability of getting a 4 or a 3 when I toss 2 dice at the same time

"Uh, 1/3" I guess

"Correct Leah, moving on" he says and I sigh I relief.

*After class*

I walk to music class.

I find a seat and sit while other students walk in with loud chatters.

"Settle down students" Mrs. Jewson says and everyone does

"Today, we're going to have a practical which is 10 marks so if you mess this up, you still have 90 marks and some others... not so much" she says and claps, takes roll call and calls out people randomly until it's my turn.

I go to the front of the class to pick an instrument- a violin- and play 'Silent Night'. At the end of my presentation, walk to my seat "Leah Coleman, 8 marks" Mrs. Jewson says and calls the rest.

The bell rings and I'm so happy to get out of there because Mrs. Jewson was talking about all her dead pets she killed accidentally or not so accidentally.


 This is the first part, I thought it was too long so I cut it in half

The new cover was made by @Lightningmoonlight 

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