Winter ❆ Part 4

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It's a new day.

As the sun rises and shines it's first light upon Rapunzel's window, she jolts awake. The prospect of a whole new day ahead of her is always exciting and she doesn't like waisting any time.

She promptly gets up to wash herself, humming in the shower - taking care not to sing too loud and wake Moana up. She brushes her long hair methodically, all the while smiling and wondering what awesome things would she get to see and do on that day, on the road home. How good it is to be alive.

Why is existence such a burden?, Moana thinks as she summons the will to get out of bed. She looks at Rapunzel, already changed, hair brushed, smile on her face, ready to face a new day, all the while Moana's still in her pijays, her hair is messy, her breath stinks and the bed looks so much better than being stuck in an airplane for hours, which is what she is doomed to face on that day.

However, once she manages to get to the bathroom, the lets the hot water wash away the semester's fatigue, making way to a more cheerful presence. Water had that power over her, it always made things better.

Today was going to be alright.

- ❆ -

Astrid was up by sunrise.

She likes to go for a run first thing in the morning, to clear her head. The year was almost over. Soon, she'd be saying goodbye to Marble Hills for good, and she'd be off to College. That stirred up all sort of anxious thoughts. Running helped her quiet them down.

Getting back to her room, Astrid notices Merida's still asleep. She decides to take a shower and if, by the time she got out, Merida hadn't still woken up, she'd wake her. At the end, she didn't have to, cause when Astrid walked out of the bathroom in her towel, her roommate was just getting out of bed.

Merida had lots of things in common with Astrid, yes, but not this. She didn't quite understand how Astrid managed to wake up so early, although Merida was glad Astrid was always quiet and didn't bother her, unlike her previous disaster of a roommate.

Merida has always had trouble waking up. Sleeping felt so goooood. But, once her brain was turned on, she couldn't stay quiet. Merida wasn't an early riser like Rapunzel or Astrid, but she didn't like burning daylight either.

She jumped out of bed, knowing she had a busy day ahead. She still hadn't packed!

- ❆ -

Hiccup is always up before Jack. No matter what happens.

The only times Hiccup have woken up to find Jack already awake were those in which his roommate had pulled an all-nighter and, by the time Hiccup was up, Jack still hadn't gone to bed. Aside from that, Hiccup was used to waking up and finding Jack snoring in his bed.

Last night, he was up until heaven-knows-what-hour, staring at the ceiling and smiling. Hiccup would've thought Jack would be sad - miserable - since Mrs Arendelle quit and all... Go figure.

Toothless rubs himself against Hiccup's legs as he walks to the bathroom, trying no to trip over the cat. As much as he loves going home for the holidays, he wishes he could take Toothless with him. Leaving him behind was difficult every time, and whenever he left, he never knew for sure if his cat would be there when he came back, or if someone from the school would have kicked Toothless out.

That made him think about next year, when he left for good. He had to come up with an idea to take Toothless with him to College. Maybe Jack could help. He was good with all the doing-stuff-against-the-rules thing.

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