Fall ☁ Part 4

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Drizella's scream reaches Merida's ears, coming from inside the bathroom, followed by the sound of the door being slammed opened.

"What is wrong with you?!" Drizella stares furiously at her roommate.

Her blond hair - and better part of her face, too - is covered in all-purpose flour. So, the hair dryer thing worked, Merida smirks in satisfaction.

"I am so done with you! So done!" Drizella retreats inside the bathroom again, banging the door behind her.

Merida turns her eyes back to her Instagram feed, unbothered.

"You should ask The Boogeyman to change rooms", she suggests with a bored voice.

Drizella pokes her white head out the door and shoots Merida a death glare.

"You know students can't change roommates. I'd have done that a million years ago if I could."

"You wouldn't need to, because I would've done it before you." Merida raises her eyes from her phone to look at her roommate. "But I thought you could, like, ask for your daddy's help. I bet he could do something if his daughter were, say, truly distressed..."

"You are a monster." Drizella closes herself in the bathroom with yet another bang and Merida hears the shower turning on, soon after that.

She slowly gets up from her bed and gets some cling-film from a drawer. Wrapping some of it over the door, at the hight of Drizella's head, Merida pictures her face when she walks into the cling-film.

"Truly distressed", she mutters.

- ☁ -

Kristoff climbs the stairs to the music room with a guitar on his back, when he hears voices. More specifically, singing. As he approaches, one of the voices stops while the other keeps going. Sounds like a duet, they were taking turns.

The voice is magnificent, very alluring, he thinks. Powerful, even. He could hear it all the way from the end of the hallway. The girl singing was, certainly, very talented. Kristoff could feel her passion on the notes flowing through the air.

After a verse, the second voice joins in. It's sweeter, a bit less potent in volume, but still lovely.

Kristoff finally reaches the door to the room, but decides to wait a moment before looking inside. He doesn't want to barge in on the girls' practice, it would be a breach of privacy, at least he thinks so. Thus, he stays outside, listening in, quietly.

The first voice - the powerful one - stops for the second part, leaving the other - the sweet one - to solo. The girl who's now singing can, clearly, hit the highest notes with ease, which makes Kristoff picture her smiling while singing. Like singing was so easy, no problem at all, just like walking or even breathing. Like it came naturally to her.

At the sound of her voice he can't help but wonder who that voice belongs to. So, slowly reaching towards the door, Kristoff peaks inside.

Of course it's her. It couldn't be anyone else, could it? Not really.

And he was right. She did smile while singing. A very dazzling smile.

Kristoff watches Anna singing near the window, looking absentmindedly to the ceiling. Sometimes she glances at Moana, by the piano, and they shake their heads in time with the rhythm. Moana enters again to the chorus, and harmony fills the air. They are so beautiful.

Anna moves her eyes towards the door and Kristoff quickly retreats, resting his head on the wall outside, hoping she didn't see him. He closes his eyes and imagines playing his guitar to her while she sings.

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